Items where Subject is "L Education (General)"
- Library of Congress Subject Areas (8)
- L Education (1)
- L Education (General) (1210)
- L Education (1)
School of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences, School of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences (2015) 0115 SFI128 - THE PHILOSOPHY OF ISLAMIC EDUCATION [FALSAFAH PENDIDIKAN ISLAM]. [Experiment]
School of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences, School of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences (2015) 0115 SJA126 - JAWI. [Experiment]
School of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences, School of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences (2019) 0119 MPU3222 - ACADEMIC WRITING (PENULISAN AKADEMIK). [Experiment]
School of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences, School of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences (2017) 0517 MPU3222 UCS101 - ACADEMIC WRITING. [Experiment]
School of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences, School of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences (2017) 0517 SCC423 - KURIKULUM PENDIDIKAN ISLAM. [Experiment]
School of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences, School of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences (2017) 0517 SFI128 - FALSAFAH PENDIDIKAN ISLAM. [Experiment]
School of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences, School of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences (2017) 0517 SMI411 - TEACHING METHODS IN ISLAMIC EDUCATION [KAEDAH PENGAJARAN PENDIDIKAN ISLAM]. [Experiment]
School of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences, School of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences (2017) 0917 SCC423 - KURIKULUM PENDIDIKAN ISLAM [CURRICULUM OF ISLAMIC EDUCATION]. [Experiment]
School of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences, School of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences (2017) 0917 SFI128 - FALSAFAH PENDIDIKAN ISLAM [PHILOSOPHY OF ISLAMIC EDUCATION]. [Experiment]
School of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences, School of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences (2017) 0917 SMI411 - KAEDAH PENGAJARAN PENDIDIKAN ISLAM [TEACHING METHODS IN ISLAMIC EDUCATION]. [Experiment]
School of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences, School of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences (2018) 0918 UCS105 - INFORMATION LITERACY AND RESEARCH SKILLS 2. [Experiment]
School of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences, School of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences 0919 MPU3173-MALAYSIAN STUDIES. [Experiment]
School of Education, . (2016) 0116 EPE211 - FALSAFAH PENDIDIKAN (PHILOSOPHY OF EDUCATION). [Experiment]
School of Education, . (2017) 0517 ECE121 - ASAS PENDIDIKAN AWAL KANAK-KANAK. [Experiment]
School of Education, . (2017) 0517 ECE223 - CHILDREN WITH SPECIAL NEEDS. [Experiment]
School of Education, . (2017) 0517 ECE311 - LEARNING DISABILITIES IN CHILDREN. [Experiment]
School of Education, . (2017) 0517 ECG222 - CHILD GROWTH & DEVELOPMENT (PERTUMBUHAN & PERKEMBANGAN KANAK-KANAK). [Experiment]
School of Education, . (2017) 0517 ECS312 - COUNSELING IN SCHOOL (KAUNSELING DI SEKOLAH). [Experiment]
School of Education, . (2017) 0517 EEM522 - KAEDAH DAN STRATEGI MENGAJAR PENDIDIKAN MORAL. [Experiment]
School of Education, . (2017) 0517 EFC643 - CURRICULUM OF THE FUTURE. [Experiment]
School of Education, . (2017) 0517 ELC612 - LEARNING AND COGNITION. [Experiment]
School of Education, . (2017) 0517 EPE642 - CURRICULUM DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT. [Experiment]
School of Education, . (2017) 0517 ERC431 - PENYELIDIKAN DALAM BILIK DARJAH 1. [Experiment]
School of Education, . (2017) 0517 ESE633 - STATISTICS IN EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education, . (2017) 0517 ESM641 - RESEARCH METHODS IN EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education, . (2017) 0517 ESP313 - SEJARAH DAN PERKEMBANGAN BAHASA MELAYU. [Experiment]
School of Education, . (2017) 0517 ESS221 - SEKOLAH DAN MASYARAKAT. [Experiment]
School of Education, . (2017) 0517 ESS222 - KEGIATAN KOKURIKULUM. [Experiment]
School of Education, . (2017) 0517 EST333 - SOCIOLINGUISTIC IN SECOND LANGUAGE TEACHING. [Experiment]
School of Education, . (2017) 0517 ETG433 - TEACHING GRAMMAR IN THE SECOND LANGUAGE CLASSROOM. [Experiment]
School of Education, . (2018) 0518 EAL632 - ACADEMIC LEADERSHIP & RESEARCH SUPERVISION. [Experiment]
School of Education, . (2018) 0518 EAM643 - ISSUES AND METHODS IN TEACHING ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE. [Experiment]
School of Education, . (2018) 0518 ECE135 - LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT OF EARLY CHILDHOOD CENTRES. [Experiment]
School of Education, . (2018) 0518 ECE223 - CHILDREN WITH SPECIAL NEEDS. [Experiment]
School of Education, . (2018) 0518 ECE311 - LEARNING DISABILITIES IN CHLIDREN. [Experiment]
School of Education, . (2018) 0518 EEM432 - ISSUE AND TRENDS IN MORAL EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education, . (2018) 0918 EAM643 - ISSUES AND METHODS IN TEACHING ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE. [Experiment]
School of Education, . (2018) 0918 ECE135 - LEADERSHIP & MANAGEMENT OF EARLY CHILDHOOD CENTRES. [Experiment]
School of Education, . (2018) 0918 ECE223 - CHILDREN WITH SPECIAL NEEDS. [Experiment]
School of Education, . (2018) 0918 ECE311 - LEARNING DISABILITIES IN CHILDREN. [Experiment]
School of Education, . (2018) 0918 EEM432 - ISSUE AND TRENDS IN MORAL EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education, School of Education (2019) 0519 ECE121 - FOUNDATIONS IN EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education, School of Education (2019) 0519 EML411 - ENHANCING TEACHER PROFESSIONALISM. [Experiment]
School of Education, School of Education (2019) 0519 EMM413 - PENGAJARAN KEMAHIRAN MENULIS DALAM BAHASA MELAYU. [Experiment]
School of Education, School of Education (2019) 0519 EPE211 - PHILOSOPHY OF EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education, School of Education (2019) 0519 ESS221 - SCHOOL AND SOCIETY. [Experiment]
School of Education, School of Education (2019) 0519 EST333 - SOCIOLINGUISTICS IN SECOND LANGUAGE TEACHING. [Experiment]
School of Education, School of Education (2019) 0519 ETE411 - LANGUAGE TESTING AND EVALUATION. [Experiment]
School of Education, School of Education (2019) 0519 ETM432 - TEACHING ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE METHODOLOGY. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 0114 EBC642 - Brain, Cognitive & Education. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 0114 ECE131 - Technology & Children. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 0114 ECE133 - Growth & Development of Children. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 0114 ECE211 - Language & Literacy in Young Children. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 0114 ECE212 - Children's Health, Nutrition & Safety. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 0114 ECE221 - Science for Young Children. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 0114 ECE222 - Creative Arts, Music & Movement. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 0114 ECE231 - Home-School Partnership & Management of Children Development Centre. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 0114 ECE233 - Humanities for Young Children. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 0114 ECE311 - Kanak - Kanak Bermasalah Pembelajaran. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 0114 ECE313 - Sains & Kanak - Kanak. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 0114 ECG222 - Pertumbuhan & Perkembangan Kanak -Kanak. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 0114 ECH632 - Introduction to Early Childhood Education. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 0114 ECS212 - Counseling in Education. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 0114 EEA622 - Educational Assessment. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 0114 EEM513 - Pentaksiran Dalam Pendidikan Moral. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 0114 EEM532 - Isu & Trend Dalam Pendidikan Moral. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 0114 EEP212 - Educational Psychology. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 0114 EFF312 - Fonetik & Fonologi. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 0114 EFT112 - Philosophical Foundations of Teaching. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 0114 EIT311 - Instructional Technology & Learning. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 0114 EIT311 - Instructional Technology & Learning Resources. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 0114 EIT632 - Fundamentals of Instructional Technology. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 0114 ELC612 - Learning & Cognition. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 0114 ELD643 - Lifespan Development. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 0114 ELS432 - Teaching Listening in a Second Language. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 0114 EMA642 - Concepts & Theories in Educational. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 0114 EMA643 - Emerging Perspectives in Educational Leadership. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 0114 EMB412 - Pengajaran Kemahiran Mendengar & Bertutur Dalam Bahasa Melayu. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 0114 EMB415 - Pengajaran Kemahiran Membaca Dalam Bahasa Melayu. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 0114 EMI643 - Models of Instruction. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 0114 EML411 - Peningkatan Profesionalisme Guru. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 0114 EPE211 - Falsafah Pendidikan. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 0114 EPE611 - Philosophical Ideas in Education. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 0114 EPL311 - Penghantar Linguistik. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 0114 EPM233 - Model & Strategi Pedagogi. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 0114 EPN643 - Issues & Trends in Nursing Education. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 0114 EPT111 - Educational Psychology & Teaching. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 0114 EQL671 - Qualitative Research Methods in Education. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 0114 ERC411 - Reading in Second Language Contexts. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 0114 ESE621 - Sociology of Education. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 0114 ESE633 - Statistics in Education. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 0114 ESM641 - EPE641 - Research Methods In Education. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 0114 ESN512 - Children With Special Needs. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 0114 ESP313 - Sejarah Perkembangan Bahasa Melayu. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 0114 EST113 - School, Society & Teaching. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 0114 ETC312 - Evaluation & Testing in The Classroom. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 0114 ETG433 - Teaching Grammar in Second Language Classroom. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 0114 ETL642 - Teaching Literature in English as a Second Language. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 0114 ETM432 - Teaching English as a Second Language Methodology. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 0114 ETR422 - Teaching Reading in the Second Language Classroom. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 0114 ETW431 - Teaching Writing in The Second Language Classroom. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 0114 MQA102 - Malaysian Studies. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 0114 MQA104 - Moral Studies. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 0114 UCS101-MPU3222 - Academic Writing. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 0114 UCS103 - Asian Studies. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2016) 0116 EBC642 - BRAIN, COGNITIVE AND EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2016) 0116 ECE413 PERMUAFAKATAN KELUARGA DAN SEKOLAH (HOME-SCHOOL PARTNERSHIP). [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2016) 0116 ECF643 - CURRICULUM OF THE FUTURE. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2016) 0116 ECI642 - CLINICAL TEACHING IN NURSING. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2016) 0116 EIM622 - INSTRUCTIONAL METHODS AND STRATEGIES IN HIGHER EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2016) 0116 EIT632 FUNDAMENTALS OF INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2016) 0116 ELC612 - LEARNING AND COGNITION. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2016) 0116 EME642 - TESTING AND MEASUREMENT. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2016) 0116 EMM642 - CURRICULUM AND ASSESSMENT IN MATHEMATICS EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2016) 0116 EMM643 - TRENDS AND ISSUES IN MATHEMATICS EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2016) 0116 EPM233 - MODEL DAN STRATEGI PEDAGOGI (PEDAGOGICAL MODELS AND STRATEGIES). [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2016) 0116 EPP411 - PENGAJARAN & PEMBELAJARAN BAHASA MELAYU BERBANTUKAN KOMPUTER. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2016) 0116 ESC643 - SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND SOCIETY EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2016) 0116 ESE633 - STATISTICS IN EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2016) 0116 ESM641 - RESEARCH METHOD IN EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2016) 0116 ETD433 - TEACHING DRAMA AND POETRY IN A SECOND LANGUAGE CONTEXT. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2016) 0116 ETE411 - LANGUAGE TESTING AND EVALUATION. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2016) 0116 ETW431 TEACHING WRITING IN THE SECOND LANGUAGE CLASSROOM. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2016) 0116 EWB642 - WEB-BASED LEARNING. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2017) 0117 UCS101 MPU3222 - ACADEMIC WRITING. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2010) 012010 ECD621 - Course, Curriculum and Programme Design. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2010) 012010 ECF643 - Curriculum of the future. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2010) 012010 ECH613 - Counselling in higher Education. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2010) 012010 ECI642 - Clinical Teaching in Nursing. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2010) 012010 EEP212 - Educational Psychology. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2010) 012010 EIM622 - Instructional Methods and Strategies in Higher Education. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2010) 012010 ELD643 - Lifespan Development. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2010) 012010 EMA642 - Concepts and Theories in Educational Management. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2010) 012010 EMI643 - Models of Instruction. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2010) 012010 EPE642 - Curriculum Design and Development. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2010) 012010 EQL671 - Qualitative Research methods in Education. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2010) 012010 ESE633 - Statistics in Education. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2010) 012010 ESM641 - Research Methods in Education. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2010) 012010 ETL642 - Teaching Literature in English as a secound Language. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2010) 012010 EWB642 - Web-based learning. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2011) 012011 EAM643 - Issues and Methods in Teaching English as a Second Language. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2011) 012011 EBC642 - Brain, Cognitive and Education. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2011) 012011 ECD621 - Course, Curriculum and Programme Design. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2011) 012011 ECH613 - Counseling in Higher Education. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2011) 012011 ECH632 - Introduction to Early Childhood Education. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2011) 012011 ECI642 - Clinical Teaching in Nursing. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2011) 012011 EEP212 - Educational Psychology. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2011) 012011 ENL611 - Nature of Student Learning. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2011) 012011 EPE642 - Curriculum Design and Development set 1. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2011) 012011 EPE642 - Curriculum Design and Development set 2. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2011) 012011 EPN643 - Issues and Trends in Nursing Education. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2011) 012011 EQL671 - Qualitative Research Method in Education. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2011) 012011 ESE633 - Statistics in Education. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2011) 012011 ESM641 - Research Methods in Education set 1. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2011) 012011 ESM641 - Research Methods in Education set 2. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2011) 012011 ETL642 - Teaching Literature in English as a Second Language. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2011) 012011 MQA103 - Islamic Studies. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2011) 012011 MQA104 - Moral Studies. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2011) 012011 UCS103 - Asian Studies. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2012) 012012 EAL632 - Academic Leadership and Supervision of Research. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2012) 012012 EAM643-Issues and Methods in Teaching English as a Second Language. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2012) 012012 EBC642 - Brain Cognition and Education. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2012) 012012 EC1642-Clinical Teaching in Nursing. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2012) 012012 ECH632-Introduction to Early Childhood Education. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2012) 012012 EID643-Principles of Instructional Design. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2012) 012012 EIT632 - Fundamental of Instructional Technology. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2012) 012012 ELC612 - Learning and Cognition. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2012) 012012 ELD643 - Lifespan Development. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2012) 012012 EMI643 - Models of Instruction. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2012) 012012 EML411 - Peningkatan Profesionalisme Guru. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2012) 012012 EPE611 - Philosophical Ideas in Education. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2012) 012012 EPN643 - Issues and Trends in Nursing Education. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2012) 012012 ESE621_I - Sociology of Education. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2012) 012012 ESE621_II - Sociology of Education. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2012) 012012 ESE633 - Statistics in Education. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2012) 012012 ESM641 - Research Methods in Education. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2012) 012012 ETG432 - Teaching Grammar in the Second Language Classroom. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2012) 012012 ETL642 - Teaching Literature in English as a Second Language. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2012) 012012 EWB642 - Web-Based Learning. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2012) 012012 MQA102 - Pengajian Malaysia. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2012) 012012 UCS103 - Asian Studies. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2012) 012012 UCS601 - Research Methodology. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 012013 EAM643 - ISSUES AND METHODS IN TEACHING ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 012013 EBC642 - BRAIN, COGNITIVE AND EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 012013 ECE132 - FOUNDATIONS OF EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 012013 ECE133 - GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT OF CHILDREN. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 012013 ECE213 - SOCIO-EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF CHILDREN. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 012013 ECG222 - CHILD GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 012013 ECH632 - INTRODUCTION TO EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 012013 ECI642 - CLINICAL TEACHING IN NURSING. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 012013 ECS642 - SCHOOL CURRICULUM. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 012013 EEA622 - EDUCATIONAL ASSESSMENT. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 012013 EFG331 - FUNDAMENTALS OF ENGLISH GRAMMAR. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 012013 EID643 - PRINCIPLES OF INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGN. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 012013 EIT311 - INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY AND LEARNING RESOURCES. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 012013 EIT632 - FUNDAMENTALS OF INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 012013 ELC612 - LEARNING AND COGNITION. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 012013 ELD643 - LIFESPAN DEVELOPMENT. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 012013 EMA642 - CONCEPTS AND THEORIES IN EDUCATIONAL MANAGEMENT. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 012013 EMA643 - EMERGING PERSPECTIVES IN EDUCATIONAL. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 012013 EMI643 - MODELS OF INSTRUCTION. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 012013 EPE611 - PHILOSOPHICAL IDEAS IN EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 012013 EPM233 - PEDAGOGICAL MODELS AND STRATEGIES. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 012013 EPN643 - ISSUES AND TRENDS IN NURSING EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 012013 ERC411 - READING IN THE SECOND LANGUAGE CONTEXT. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 012013 ESE621 - SOCIOLOGY OF EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 012013 ESE633 - STATISTICS IN EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 012013 ESM641 - EPE641 - RESEARCH METHODS IN EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 012013 ESP313 - SEJARAH PERKEMBANGAN BAHASA MELAYU. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 012013 ETE511 - LANGUAGE TESTING AND EVALUATION. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 012013 ETL642 - TEACHING LITERATURE IN ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 012013 ETM432 - TEACHING ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE METHODOLOGY. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 012013 ETW431 - TEACHING WRITING IN THE SECOND LANGUAGE CLASSROOM. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 012013 EWB642 - WEB-BASED LEARNING. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 012013 EWC412 - WRITING IN THE SECOND LANGUAGE CONTEXT. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 012013 UCS101 - ACADEMIC WRITING. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 012013 UCS103 - ASIAN STUDIES. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2009) 022009 ECP213 - Developing The Curriculum. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2009) 022009 ECP213 - Developing The Curriculum. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2009) 022009 ECS312 - Counseling In Schools. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2009) 022009 ECS312 - Counseling In Schools. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2009) 022009 EMI643 - Models of Instruction set 1. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2009) 022009 EMI643 - Models of Instruction set 2. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2009) 022009 EMI643 - Models of Instruction set 2. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2009) 022009 EPE642 - Curriculum Design and Development set 1. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2009) 022009 EPE642 - Curriculum Design and Development set 2. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2009) 022009 ESM641 - Research Methods in Education set 1. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2009) 022009 ESM641 - Research Methods in Education set 2. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2009) 022009 MQA102 - Malaysian Studies. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2009) 022009 UCS104 - Ethics in Asia. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2011) 032011 ECP213 - Developing The Curriculum. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2011) 032011 EEP212 - Educational Psychology. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2011) 032011 EPE211 - Philosophy of Education. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2011) 032011 ETC312 - Evaluation and Testing in The Classroom. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2011) 032011 MQA102 - Malaysian Studies. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2015) 0515 EAM643 - ISSUES AND METHODS IN TEACHING ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2015) 0515 EBC642 - BRAIN, COGNITIVE AND EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2015) 0515 ECC412 - COMPUTERS IN THE SECOND LANGUAGE CLASSROOM. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2015) 0515 ECE113 - EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2015) 0515 ECI642 - CLINICAL TEACHING IN NURSING. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2015) 0515 EIT632 - FUNDAMENTALS OF INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2015) 0515 ELC612 - LEARNING AND COGNITION. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2015) 0515 ELD643 - LIFESPAN DEVELOPMENT. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2015) 0515 EMA642 - CONCEPTS AND THEORIES IN EDUCATIONAL MANAGEMENT. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2015) 0515 EME642 - TESTING AND MEASUREMENT. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2015) 0515 EME643 - PROGRAMME EVALUATION IN EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2015) 0515 EMM333 - METODOLOGI BAHASA MELAYU SEKOLAH RENDAH. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2015) 0515 EPE611 - PHILOSOPHICAL IDEAS IN EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2015) 0515 EPL311 - PENGHANTAR LINGUISTIK. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2015) 0515 EPL311 - PENGHANTAR LINGUISTIK. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2015) 0515 EPN643 - ISSUES AND TRENDS IN NURSING EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2015) 0515 EQL671 - QUALITATIVE RESEARCH METHODS IN EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2015) 0515 ERP212 - REFLECTIVE PRACTICE. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2015) 0515 ESC642 - TRENDS IN THE TEACHING AND LEARNING OF SCIENCE. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2015) 0515 ESC643 - SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND SOCIETY EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2015) 0515 ESE621 - SOCIOLOGY OF EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2015) 0515 ESE633 - STATISTICS IN EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2015) 0515 ESM641 - RESEARCH METHOD IN EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2015) 0515 ESP313 - SEJARAH DAN PERKEMBANGAN BAHASA MELAYU. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2015) 0515 ESP323 - SEMANTIK DAN PERISTILAHAN DALAM BAHASA MELAYU. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2015) 0515 EST333 - SOCIOLINGUISTICS IN SECOND LANGUAGE TEACHING. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2015) 0515 ETE411 - LANGUAGE TESTING AND EVALUATION. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2015) 0515 ETL431 - TEACHING LITERATURE IN A SECOND LANGUAGE CONTEXT. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2015) 0515 ETL642 - TEACHING LITERATURE IN ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2015) 0515 EWB642 - WEB-BASED LEARNING. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2015) 0515 EWC412 - WRITING IN SECOND LANGUAGE CONTEXTS. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2015) 0515 MPU3222 - ACADEMIC WRITING (PENULISAN AKADEMIK). [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2016) 0516 EBC642 - BRAIN, COGNITIVE AND EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2016) 0516 ECF643 - CURRICULUM OF THE FUTURE. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2016) 0516 EDP413 - DRAMA AND POETRY IN ENGLISH. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2016) 0516 ELC612 - LEARNING AND COGNITION. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2016) 0516 EME642 - TESTING AND MEASUREMENT. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2016) 0516 EMI643 - MODELS OF INSTRUCTION. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2016) 0516 EMM642 - CURRICULUM AND ASSESSMENT IN MATHEMATICS EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2016) 0516 EMM643 - TRENDS AND ISSUES IN MATHEMATICS EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2016) 0516 EPE211 - FALSAFAH PENDIDIKAN (PHILOSOPHY OF EDUCATION). [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2016) 0516 EPM233 - MODEL & STRATEGI PEDAGOGI (PEDAGOGICAL MODELS AND STRATEGIES). [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2016) 0516 EPP411 -PENGAJARAN & PEMBELAJARAN BAHASA MELAYU BERBANTUKAN KOMPUTER. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2016) 0516 EPP411 -PENGAJARAN & PEMBELAJARAN BAHASA MELAYU BERBANTUKAN KOMPUTER. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2016) 0516 ESE633 - STATISTIC IN EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2016) 0516 ESM641 - RESEARCH METHOD IN EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2016) 0516 EST333 - SOCIOLINGUISTICS IN SECOND LANGUAGE TEACHING. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2016) 0516 ETE411 - LANGUAGE TESTING AND EVALUATION. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2016) 0516 ETN433 - TEACHING SHORT STORIES AND NOVEL IN A SECOND LANGUAGE CONTEXT. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2016) 0516 EWB642 - WEB BASED LEARNING. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2016) 0516 MPU2173 - MALAYSIAN STUDIES 1 (PENGAJIAN MALAYSIA 1). [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2010) 052010 EAH612 - Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2010) 052010 EAM643 - Issues and methods in teaching English AS a second Language. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2010) 052010 EBC642 - Brain, Cognition and Education. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2010) 052010 ECH632 - Introduction to early Childhood education. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2010) 052010 EEL631 - E-Learing in Higher Education. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2010) 052010 EPE642 - Curriculum Design and Development. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2010) 052010 EPN643 - Issues Trends in Nursing Education. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2010) 052010 EQL671 - Qualitative research Methods in Education. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2010) 052010 ESE621 - Sociology of Education. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2010) 052010 ESE633 - Statistics in Education. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2010) 052010 ESS221 - School and Society. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2010) 052010 UCS103 - Asian Studies. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2010) 052010 UCS104 - Ethics in Asia. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2011) 052011 EAH612 - Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2011) 052011 EAM643 - Issues and Methods in Teaching English as a Second Language. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2011) 052011 EBC642 - Brain, Cognition and Education. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2011) 052011 ECF643 - Curriculum of The Future. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2011) 052011 ECH613 - Curriculum and Instruction in The Early. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2011) 052011 ECH632 - Introduction to Early Childhood Education. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2011) 052011 ECS642 - School Curriculum. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2011) 052011 EEL631 - E-Learning in Higher Education. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2011) 052011 EID643 - Principles of Instructional Design. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2011) 052011 EIM622 - Instructional Methods and Strategies in Higher Education. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2011) 052011 EMA642 - Concepts and Theories is Educational Management. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2011) 052011 EMA643 - Emerging Perspectives in Educational leadership. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2011) 052011 EQL671 - Qualitative Research Method in Education. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2011) 052011 EQL671 - Qualitative Research Methods in Education. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2011) 052011 ESC642 - Trends in The Teaching & Learning of Science. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2011) 052011 ESE621 - Sociology Education. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2011) 052011 ESE621 - Sociology of Education. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2011) 052011 ESE633 - Statistics In Education. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2011) 052011 ESE633 - Statistics in Education. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2011) 052011 ESM641 - Research Methods in Education. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2011) 052011 ETL642 - Teaching Literature in English as a Second Language. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2011) 052011 MQA101 - Bahasa Kebangsaan. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2011) 052011 MQA104 - Moral Studies. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2011) 052011 UCS101 - Academic Writing. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2011) 052011 UCS103 - Asian Studies. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2012) 052012 EAM643 - Issues and Method in Teaching English As A Second Language. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2012) 052012 EAP232 - Adolescent Psychology and Development. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2012) 052012 ECE113 - Education Psychology. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2012) 052012 ECH613 - Counseling In Higher Education. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2012) 052012 ECH632 - Introduction To Early Childhood Education. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2012) 052012 EEA622 - Educational Assessment. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2012) 052012 EFG331 - Fundamentals of English Grammar. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2012) 052012 EID643 - Principles of Instructional Design. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2012) 052012 EIT632 - Fundamentals of Instructional Technology. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2012) 052012 ELC612 - Learning and Cognition. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2012) 052012 ELD643 - Lifespan Development. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2012) 052012 EMI643 - Models of Instruction. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2012) 052012 EPE211 - Philosophy of Education. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2012) 052012 EPE611 - Philosophical Ideas in Education. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2012) 052012 EQL671 - Qualitative Research Methods In Education. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2012) 052012 ERC411 - Reading in Second Language Context. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2012) 052012 ESE621 - Sociology of Education. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2012) 052012 ESE633 - Statistics in Education. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2012) 052012 ESM641 - Research Methods in Education. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2012) 052012 ETC312 - Penaksiran & Pengujian Dalam Bilik Darjah [Evaluation & Testing in The Classroom]. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2012) 052012 ETE511 - Language Testing and Evaluation. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2012) 052012 ETL642 - Teaching Literature in English As A Second Language. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2012) 052012 EWB642 - Web-based Learning. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2012) 052012 EWC412 - Writing in Second Language Context. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2012) 052012 MPW102 - Malaysian Studies. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2012) 052012 MPW104 - Moral Studies. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2012) 052012 MQA101 - Bahasa Melayu dan Komunikasi. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2012) 052012 MQA102 - Pengajian Malaysia [Malaysian Studies]. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 052013 EAM643 - Issues & Methods in Teaching English as a Second Language. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 052013 EBC642 - Brain, Cognitive & Education. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 052013 ECC512 - Computers in The Second Language Classroom. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 052013 ECE132 - Foundations of Early Childhood Education. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 052013 ECE133 - Growth & Development of Children. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 052013 ECE213 - Socio-Emotional Development of Children. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 052013 ECE223 - Children With Special Needs. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 052013 ECE232 - Children Learning Mathematics. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 052013 ECG222 - Pertumbuhan & Perkembangan Kanak- Kanak. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 052013 ECH613 - Counseling in Higher Education. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 052013 ECH632 - Introduction to Early Childhood Education. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 052013 ECI642 - Clinical Teaching in Nursing. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 052013 EEA622 - Educational Assessment. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 052013 EEM521 - Introduction to Moral Education. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 052013 EFF312 - Fonetik & Fonologi Bahasa Melayu. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 052013 EID643 - Principles of Instructional Design. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 052013 EIT311 - Teknologi Instruksional & Bahan Pembelajaran. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 052013 EIT632 - Fundamentals of Instructional Technology. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 052013 ELC612 - Learning & Cognition. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 052013 ELD643 - Lifespan Development. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 052013 ELS432 - Teaching Listening & Speaking Skills in The Second Language Classroom. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 052013 EMA642 - Concepts & Theories in Educational Management. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 052013 EMA643 - Emerging Perspectives in Educational Leadership. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 052013 EMI643 - Models of Instruction. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 052013 EML411 - Peningkatan Profesionalisme Guru. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 052013 EPE211 - Falsafah Pendidikan. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 052013 EPE611 - Philosophical Ideas in Education. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 052013 EPL311 - Penghantar Linguistik. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 052013 EPM233 - Model & Strategi Pedagogi. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 052013 EQL671 - Qualitative Research Methods in Education. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 052013 ERC411 - Reading in Second Language Contexts. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 052013 ESE621 - Sociology of Education. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 052013 ESE633 - Statistics in Education. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 052013 ESM641 - Research Methods in Eduction. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 052013 ETC312 - Penilaian& Pengajian Daalam Bilik Darjah. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 052013 ETG433 - Teaching Grammar in The Second Language Classroom. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 052013 ETL642 - Teaching Literature in English as a Second Language. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 052013 MQA101 - Bahasa Melayu & Komunikasi. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 052013 MQA102 - Malaysian Studies. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 052013 MQA102 - Malaysian Studies. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 052013 MQA104 - Moral Studies. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 052013 NPM643 - Issued & Trends in Nursing Education. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 052013 UCS101 - Penulisan Akademik. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 052013 UCS103 - Pengajian Asia. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 052014 CWA303 - WESTERN ART HISTORY. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 052014 EAM643 - ISSUES AND METHODS IN TEACHING ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 052014 EBC642 - BRAIN, COGNITION AND EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 052014 ECC512 - COMPUTERS IN SECOND LANGUAGE CLASSROOM. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 052014 ECE113 - EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 052014 ECE132 - FOUNDATION OF EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 052014 ECE211 - LANGUAGE AND LITERACY IN YOUNG CHILDREN. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 052014 ECE213 - SOCIO-EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF CHILDREN. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 052014 ECE223 - CHILDREN WITH SPECIAL NEEDS. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 052014 ECE232 - CHILDREN LEARNING MATHEMATICS. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 052014 ECE321 - BAHASA DAN LITERASI AWAL KANAK-KANAK. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 052014 ECE322 - TEKNOLOGI AWAL KANAK-KANAK. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 052014 ECE333 - KESIHATAN, PEMAKANAN DAN KESELAMATAN KANAK-KANAK. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 052014 ECG222 - CHILD GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 052014 ECH632 - INTRODUCTION TO EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 052014 ECR531 - RESEARCH IN THE CLASSROOM 1. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 052014 ECS212 - COUNSELING IN EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 052014 EEA622 - EDUCATIONAL ASSESSMENT. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 052014 EEC412 - COMPUTERS IN THE SECOND LANGUAGE CLASSROOM. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 052014 EEM422 - KAEDAH DAN STRATEGI MENGAJAR PENDIDIKAN MORAL. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 052014 EEM521 - INTRODUCTION TO MORAL EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 052014 EEM522 - KAEDAH DAN STRATEGI MENGAJAR PENDIDIKAN MORAL. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 052014 EEP212 - EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 052014 EFF312 - FONETIK DAN FONOLOGI. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 052014 EFG331 - FUNDAMENTALS OF ENGLISH GRAMMAR. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 052014 EID643 - PRINCIPLES OF INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGN. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 052014 EIT311 - INSTRUKTIONAL TEKNOLOGI & BAHAN PEMBELAJARAN. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 052014 EIT632 - FUNDAMENTALS OF INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 052014 ELC612 - LEARNING AND COGNITION. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 052014 ELD643 - LIFESPAN DEVELOPMENT. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 052014 EMA642 - CONCEPTS AND THEORIES IN EDUCATIONAL MANAGEMENT. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 052014 EMA643 - EMERGING PERSPECTIVES IN EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 052014 EMI643 - MODELS OF INSTRUCTION. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 052014 EML411 - PENINGKATAN PROFESIONALISME GURU. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 052014 EMM333 - METODOLOGI BAHASA MELAYU SEKOLAH RENDAH. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 052014 EMM413 - PENGAJARAN KEMAHIRAN MENULIS BAHASA DALAM BAHASA MELAYU. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 052014 EMS121 - TEACHING METHODS AND STRATEGIES. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 052014 EPE211 - FALSAFAH PENDIDIKAN. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 052014 EPE611 - PHILOSOPHICAL IDEAS IN EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 052014 EPL311 - PENGANTAR LINGUISTIK. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 052014 EPM233 - MODEL DAN STRATEGI PEDAGOGI. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 052014 EPN643 - ISSUES AND TRENDS IN NURSING EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 052014 EPP411 - PENGAJARAN DAN PEMBELAJARAN BAHASA MELAYU BERBENTUK KOMPUTER. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 052014 EQL671 - QUALITATIVE RESEARCH METHODS IN EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 052014 ERC411 - READING IN A SECOND LANGUAGE CONTEXTS. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 052014 ESC642 - TRENDS IN TEACHING AND LEARNING SCIENCE. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 052014 ESC643 - SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND SOCIETY EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 052014 ESE621 - SOCIOLOGY OF EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 052014 ESE633 - STATISTICS IN EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 052014 ESM641 - RESEARCH METHODS IN EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 052014 ESP313 - SEJARAH PERKEMBANGAN BAHASA MELAYU. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 052014 ESP323 - SEMANTIK DAN PERISTILAHAN DALAM BAHASA MELAYU. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 052014 ESS221 - SCHOOL AND SOCIETY. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 052014 EST333 - SOCIOLINGUISTICS IN SECOND LANGUAGE TEACHING. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 052014 ETC312 - PENILAIN DAN PENGUJIAN DALAM BILIK DARJAH. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 052014 ETE411-ETE511 - LANGUAGE TESTING AND EVALUATION. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 052014 ETG433 - TEACHING GRAMMAR IN THE SECOND LANGUAGE. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 052014 ETL531 - TEACHING LITERATURE IN SECOND LANGUAGE CONTEXT. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 052014 ETL642 - TEACHING LITERATURE IN ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 052014 EWB642 - WEB-BASED LEARNING. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 052014 EWC412 - WRITING IN SECOND LANGUAGE CONTEXTS. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 052014 MPU3222-UCS101 - ACADEMIC WRITING. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 052014 MQA104 - MORAL STUDIES. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 052014 UCS103 - ASIAN STUDIES. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 052014ELL322 - LINGUISTIC FOR LANGUAGE TEACHERS. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2009) 062009 ESE621 - Sociology of Education. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2009) 062009 MQA103 - Islamic Studies. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2009) 062009 MQA104 Moral Studies. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2009) 062009 UCS101 - Academic Writing. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2009) 062009 UCS104 - Ethics in Asia. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 082013 MQA101 - Bahasa Kebangsaan. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2008) 0908 EEA622 - Educational Assessment. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2015) 0914 ERC411 - READING IN SECOND LANGUAGE CONTEXTS. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2015) 0914 ESC642 - TRENDS IN THE TEACHING AND LEARNING OF SCIENCE. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2015) 0914 ESC643 - SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND SOCIETY. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2015) 0914 ESE621 - SOCIOLOGY OF EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2015) 0914 ESE633 - STATISTICS IN EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2015) 0914 ESM641 - RESEARCH METHODS IN EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2015) 0914 ESP313 - SEJARAH PERKEMBANGAN BAHASA MELAYU. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2015) 0914 ESP323 - SEMANTIK DAN PERISTILAHAN DALAM BAHASA MELAYU. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2015) 0914 ESS221 - SEKOLAH DAN MASYARAKAT. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2015) 0914 ESS222 - AKTIVITI KO-KURIKULUM. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2015) 0914 ETC312 - PENILAIAN & PENGUJIAN DALAM BILIK DARJAH. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2015) 0914 ETG433 - TEACHING GRAMMAR IN THE SECOND LANGUAGE CLASSROOM. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2015) 0914 ETL431 - TAECHING LITERATURE IN SECOND LANGUAGE CONTEXT. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2015) 0914 ETM432 - TEACHING ENGLISH AS THE SECOND LANGUAGE METHODOLOGY. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2015) 0914 ETR422 - TEACHING READING IN THE SECOND LANGUAGE CLASSROOM. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2015) 0914 ETW431 - TEACHING WRITING IN THE SECOND LANGUAGE CLASSROOM. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2015) 0914 EWB642 - WEB-BASED LEARNING. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2015) 0914 EWC412 - WRITING IN SECOND LANGUAGE CONTEXTS. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2015) 0915 ELC612 - LEARNING & COGNITION. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2015) 0915 EWB642 - WEB-BASED LEARNING. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2015) 0915 EWC412 - WRITING IN SECOND LANGUAGE CONTEXTS. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2015) 0915 MQA102 - MALAYSIAN STUDIES (PENGAJIAN MALAYSIA). [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2015) 0915 SFI128 - FALSAFAH PENDIDIKAN ISLAM (PHILOSOPHY OF ISLAMIC EDUCATION). [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2015) 0915 SJA126 - JAWI. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2015) 0915 UCS103 - PENGAJIAN ASIA (ASIAN STUDIES). [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2016) 0916 EAH612 - ASSESSMENT AND EVALUATION IN HIGHER EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2016) 0916 EBC642 - BRAIN, COGNITIVE AND EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2016) 0916 EIT632 FUNDAMENTALS OF INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2016) 0916 ELC612 - LEARNING AND COGNITION. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2016) 0916 EPE211 - FALSAFAH PENDIDIKAN (PHILOSOPHY OF EDUCATION). [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2016) 0916 ESN423 - SHORT STORIES AND NOVELS IN ENGLISH. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2016) 0916 EWB642 - WEB-BASED LEARNING. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2016) 0916 MQA102 - MALAYSIAN STUDIES (PENGAJIAN MALAYSIA). [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2011) 092010 ECH613 - Curriculum and Instruction in The Early Years. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2011) 092010 ECI642 - Clinical Teaching in Nursing. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2011) 092010 EEA622 - Educational Assessment set 1. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2011) 092010 EEA622 - Educational Assessment set 2. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2011) 092010 EFG331 - Fundamental of English Grammar. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2011) 092010 EIM622 - Instructional Methods and Strategies in Higher Education. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2011) 092010 EMA642 - Concepts and Theories in Educational Management. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2011) 092010 EPE611 - Philosophical Ideas in Education set 1. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2011) 092010 EPE611 - Philosophical Ideas in Education set 2. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2011) 092010 ESE621 - Sociology of Education. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2011) 092010 ESE633 - Statistics in Education. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2011) 092010 ETL642 - Teaching Literature in teaching English as a Second language. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2011) 092010 EWB642 - Web-Based Learning. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2012) 092011 EAM643 - Issues and Method in Teaching English as a Second Language. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2012) 092011 ECF643 - Curriculum of The Future. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2012) 092011 ECH613 - Counseling in Higher Education. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2012) 092011 ECH632 - Introduction to early childhood education. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2012) 092011 ECI642 - Clinical teaching in nursing. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2012) 092011 ECS642 - School Curriculum. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2012) 092011 EEA622 - Educational assessment. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2012) 092011 EIT311 - Instructional technology and learning resources. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2012) 092011 EMI643 - Models Of Instruction. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2012) 092011 ENL611 - Nature of Student Learning. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2012) 092011 EPE611 - Philosophical Ideas in Education. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2012) 092011 EPN643 - Issues and Trends in Nursing Education. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2012) 092011 EQL671-Qualitative Research Method In Education. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2012) 092011 ESC642 - Trends in teaching and learning of science. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2012) 092011 ESC643 - Science, technology and society education. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2012) 092011 ESE633 - Statistics in education. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2012) 092011 ETL642 - Teaching literature in English as a second language. [Experiment] (In Press)
School of Education , . (2012) 092011 UCS101 - Academic Writing. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2012) 092011 UCS601 - Research Methodology. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 092012 EAM643 - Issues and Methods in Teaching English as a Second Language. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 092012 EBC642 - Brain Cognitive and Education. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 092012 ECE122 - History & Philosophy of Education (for GDipECE). [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 092012 ECH632 - Introduction to Early Childhood Education. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 092012 ECI642 - Clinical Teaching in Nursing. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 092012 ECW412 - Writing in Second Language Contexts. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 092012 EEA622 - Educational Assessment. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 092012 EID643 - Principles of Instructional Design. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 092012 EIT632 - Fundamentals of Instructional Technology. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 092012 ELC612 - Learning and Cognition. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 092012 ELD643 - Lifespan Development. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 092012 ELL322 - Linguistics for Language Teachers. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 092012 EMA642 - Concepts and Theories in Educational Management. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 092012 EMA643 - Emerging Perspectives in Educational Leadership. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 092012 EML411 - Enhancing Teacher Professionalisme. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 092012 EPE611 - Philosophical Ideas in Education. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 092012 EPE642 - Curriculum Design and Development. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 092012 EPM233 - Pedagogical Models and Strategies. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 092012 EPN643 - Issues and Trends in Nursing Education. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 092012 EQL671 - Qualitative Research Methods in Education. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 092012 ESE621 - Sociology of Education. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 092012 ESE633 - Statistic in Education. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 092012 ESM641 - Research Method in Education. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 092012 ESS221 - School and Society. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 092012 ETL642 - Teaching Literature in English as a Second Language. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 092012 ETR422 - Teaching Reading in the Second Language Classroom. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 092012 EWB642 - Web-Based Learning. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 092012 MPW101 - Bahasa Kebangsaan (for GDipECE). [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 092012 MQA101 - Bahasa Melayu dan Komunikasi. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 092012 MQA102 - Malaysian Studies. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 092012 UCS101 - Academic Writing (Bachelor - BICT PNJ). [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 092012 UCS101 - Academic Writing (Bachelor's Level - [BBA,BICT,BDCM]). [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 092012 UCS101 - Penulisan Akademik. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 092012 UCS103 - Asian Studies. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 092013 - ECH613 - CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION IN THE EARLY YEARS. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 092013 EAM643 - ISSUES AND METHODS IN TEACHING ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 092013 EBC642 - BRAIN, COGNITIVE AND EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 092013 ECE113 - EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 092013 ECE122 - HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 092013 ECE211 - LANGUAGE AND LITERACY IN YOUNG CHILDREN. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 092013 ECE212 - CHILDREN'S HEALTH, NUTRITION AND SAFETY. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 092013 ECE213 - SOCIO-EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF CHILDREN. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 092013 ECG222 - CHILD GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 092013 ECH632 - INTRODUCTION TO EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 092013 ECI642 - CLINICAL TEACHING IN NURSING. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 092013 ECR531 - RESEARCH IN THE CLASSROOM 1. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 092013 EEA622 - EDUCATIONAL ASSESSMENT. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 092013 EEM522 - TEACHING METHODS AND STRATEGIES IN MORAL EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 092013 EFG331 - FUNDAMENTALS OF ENGLISH GRAMMAR. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 092013 EIT311 - INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY AND LEARNING RESOURCES. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 092013 ELC612 - LEARNING AND COGNITION. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 092013 ELD643 - LIFESPAN DEVELOPMENT. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 092013 ELL322 - LINGUISTICS FOR LANGUAGE TEACHERS. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 092013 EMA643 - EMERGING PERSPECTIVE IN EDUCATION LEADERSHIP. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 092013 EMI643 - MODELS OF INSTRUCTION. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 092013 EML411 - ENHANCING TEACHER PROFESSIONALISM. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 092013 EMM333 - KAEDAH MENGAJAR BAHASA MELAYU SEKOLAH RENDAH. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 092013 EPE211 - PHILOSOPHY OF EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 092013 EPE611 - PHILOSOPHICAL IDEAS IN EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 092013 EQL671 - QUALITATIVE RESEARCH METHODS IN EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 092013 ERC411 - READING IN SECOND LANGUAGE CONTEXTS. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 092013 ESE621 - SOCIOLOGY OF EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 092013 ESE633 - STATISTICS IN EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 092013 ESM641 - RESEARCH METHODS IN EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 092013 ESN512 - CHILDREN WITH SPECIAL NEEDS. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 092013 ESS221 - SCHOOL AND SOCIETY. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 092013 ETC312 - EVALUATION AND TESTING IN THE CLASSROOM. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 092013 ETE511 - LANGUAGE TESTING AND EVALUATION. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 092013 ETG433 - TEACHING GRAMMAR IN THE SECOND LANGUAGE CLASSROOM. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 092013 ETL531 - TEACHING LITERATURE IN A SECOND LANGUAGE CONTEXT. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 092013 ETL642 - TEACHING LITERATURE IN ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 092013 EWB642 - WEB-BASED LEARNING. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 092013 EWC412 - WRITING IN THE SECOND LANGUAGE CONTEXTS. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 092013 MPU3123 - TAMADUN ISLAM DAN TAMADUN ASIA. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 092013 MQA103 - ISLAMIC STUDIES. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 092013 MQA104 - MORAL STUDIES. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2013) 092013 MQA104 - Moral Studies. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 092013 UCS101 - ACADEMIC WRITING. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2012) 112011 EFG331 - Fundamentals of English Grammar. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2012) 112011 EPM233 - Pedagogical Models and Strategies. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2012) 112011 MQA101 - Bahasa Melayu dan Komunikasi. [Experiment]
School of Education , . (2014) 777092013 EIT632 - FUNDAMENTALS OF INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2014) 0114 ECP213 - Developing The Curriculum. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2014) 0114 ECS212 - Counseling in Education. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0115 EAM643 - ISSUES AND METHODS IN TEACHING ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0115 EBC642 - BRAIN, COGNITIVE AND EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0115 ECC412 - COMPUTERS IN THE SECOND LANGUAGE CLASSROOM. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0115 ECE413 - PERMUAFAKATAN KELUARGA DAN SEKOLAH. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0115 ECI642 - CLINICAL TEACHING IN NURSING. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0115 ECS212 - COUNSELLING IN EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0115 EEA622 - EDUCATIONAL ASSESSMENT. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0115 EEM421 - PENGENALAN KEPADA PENDIDIKAN MORAL [INTRODUCTION TO MORAL EDUCATION]. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0115 EEM432 - ISU DAN TREND DALAM PENDIDIKAN MORAL. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0115 EEM433 - PENTAKSIRAN DALAM PENDIDIKAN MORAL [ASSESSMENT I MORAL EDUCATION]. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0115 EEP212 - EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0115 EIT223 - ISSUES AND TERNDS IN TEACHING & LEARNING. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0115 EIT632 - FUNDAMENTALS OF INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0115 ELC612 - LEARNING AND COGNITION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0115 ELL322 - LINGUISTICS FOR LANGUAGE TEACHERS. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0115 ELS432 - TEACHING LISTENING AND SPEAKING IN THE SECOND LANGUAGE CLASSROOM. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0115 EMA642 - CONCEPTS AND THEORIES IN EDUCATIONAL MANAGEMENT. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2012) 0115 EMA643 - EMERGING PERSPECTIVES IN EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0115 EMB412 - PENGAJARAN KEMAHIRAN MENDENGAR DAN BERTUTUR DALAM BAHASA MELAYU. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0115 EMB415 - PENGAJARAN KEMAHIRAN MEMBACA DALAM BAHASA MELAYU. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0115 EME642 - TESTING AND MEASUREMENT. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0115 EME643 - PROGRAMME EVALUATION IN EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0115 EMI643 - MODELS OF INSTRUCTION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0115 EML411 - PENINGKATAN PROFESSIONALISME GURU. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0115 EMM413 - PENGAJARAN KEMAHIRAN MENULIS DALAM BAHASA MELAYU. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0115 EPE211 - PHILOSOPHY OF EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0115 EPE611 - PHILOSOPHICAL IDEAS IN EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0115 EPM233 - MODEL DAN STRATEGI PEDAGOGI. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0115 EPM414 - PENILAIAN BAHASA MELAYU SEKOLAH RENDAH. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0115 EPN643 - ISSUES AND TRENDS IN NURSING EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0115 EPP411 - PENGAJARAN DAN PEMBELAJARAN BAHASA MELAYU BERBANTUKAN KOMPUTER. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0115 EQL671 - QUALITATIVE RESEARCH METHODS IN EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0115 ERC411 - READING IN THE SECOND LANGUAGE CONTEXTS. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0115 ERC431 - PENYELIDIKAN DALAM BILIK DARJAH 1. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0115 ESC642 - TRENDS IN THE TEACHING AND LEARNING OF SCIENCE. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0115 ESC643 - SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND SOCIETY EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0115 ESE621 - SOCIOLOGY OF EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0115 ESE633 - STATISTICS IN EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0115 ESM641 - RESEARCH METHODS IN EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0115 ESP323 - SEMANTIK DAN PERISTILAHAN DALAM BAHASA MELAYU. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0115 ETE411 - LANGUAGE TESTING AND EVALUATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0115 ETG433 - TEACHING GRAMMAR IN SECOND LANGUAGE CLASSROOM. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0115 ETL431 - TEACHING LITERATURE IN SECOND LANGUAGE CONTEXT. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0115 ETL642 - TEACHING LITERATURE IN ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0115 EWB642 - WEB-BASED LEARNING. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0115 EWC412 - WRITING IN SECOND LANGUAGE CONTEXT. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2016) 0116 ECE132 - FOUNDATION OF EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2016) 0116 ECE412 - PENGAJIAN SOSIAL UNTUK KANAK-KANAK. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2016) 0116 EDP413 - DRAMA AND POETRY IN ENGLISH. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2016) 0116 EEM421 - PENGENALAN KEPADA PENDIDIKAN MORAL (INTRODUCTION TO MORAL EDUCATION). [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2016) 0116 EML411 - PENINGKATAN PROFESIONALISME GURU (ENHANCING TEACHER PROFESSIONALISM). [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2016) 0116 EPN643 - ISSUES AND TRENDS IN NURSING EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2016) 0116 EQL671 - QUALITATIVE RESEARCH METHODS IN EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2016) 0116 ETL431 - TEACHING LITERATURE IN A SECOND LANGUAGE CONTEXT. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2016) 0116 ETL642 - TEACHING LITERATURE IN ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2016) 0116 ETM432 - TEACHING ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE METHODOLOGY. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2016) 0116 ETR422 - TEACHING READING IN THE SECOND LANGUAGE CLASSROOM. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0117 EAM643 - ISSUES AND METHODS IN TEACHING ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUANGE. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0117 EBC642 - BRAIN, COGNITION & EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0117 EBM642 - TRENDS AND ISSUES IN TEACHING BAHASA MALAYSIA [TREND DAN ISU DALAM PENGAJARAN BAHASA MELAYU]. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0117 ECE233 - HUMANITIES FOR YOUNG CHILDREN. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0117 ECS312 - KAUNSELING DI SEKOLAH [COUNSELING IN SCHOOLS]. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0117 EEA622 - EDUCATIONAL ASSESSMENT. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0117 EEM421 - PENGENALAN KEPADA PENDIDIKAN MORAL INTRODUCTION TO MORAL EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0117 EEM432 - ISU DAN TREND DALAM PENDIDIKAN MORAL ISSUE AND TRENDS IN MORAL EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0117 EEM433 - ASSESMENT IN MORAL EDUCATION PENTAKSIRAN DALAM PENDIDIKAN MORAL. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0117 EFF312 - FONETIK DAN FONOLOGI. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0117 EFG331 - FUNDAMENTAL OF ENGLISH GRAMMAR. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0117 EIT223 - ISSUES AND TRENDS IN TEACHING & LEARNING. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0117 EIT632 - FUNDAMENTALS OF INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0117 ELD643 - LIFESPAN DEVELOPMENT. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0117 ELL322 - LINGUISTICS FOR LANGUANGE TEACHERS. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0117 EMA643 - EMERGING PERSPECTIVES IN EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0117 EME642 - TESTING AND MEASUREMENT. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0117 EME643 - PROGAMME EVALUATION IN EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0117 EML411 - PENINGKATAN PROFESIONALISME GURU ENHANCING TEACHER PROFESSIONALISM. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0117 EMM413 - PENGAJARAN KEMAHIRAN MENULIS DALAM BAHASA MELAYU. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0117 EMM642 - CURRICULUM AND ASSESSMENT IN MATHEMATICS EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0117 EMM643 - TRENDS AND ISSUES IN MATHEMATHICS EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0117 EPE211 - FALSAFAH PENDIDIKAN PHILOSOPHY OF EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0117 EPM233 - MODEL DAN STRATEGI PEDAGOGI (PEDAGOGICAL MODELS AND STRATEGIES). [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0117 EPP222 - TRENDS IN ONLINE LEARNING. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0117 EPP411 - PENGAJARAN DAN PEMBELAJARAN BAHASA MELAYU BERBANTUKAN KOMPUTER. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0117 EQL671 - QUALITATIVE RESEARCH METHODS IN EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0117 ERP212 - REFLECTIVE PRACTICE. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0117 ESC643 - SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND SOCIETY EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0117 ESM641 - RESEARCH METHOD IN EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0117 ESS221 - SCHOOL AND SOCIETY [SEKOLAH DAN MASYARAKAT] B.Ed (TISPS). [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0117 ESS221 - SEKOLAH DAN MASYARAKAT SCHOOL AND SOCIETY B.Ed (ECE). [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0117 EST333 - SOCIOLINGUISTICS IN SECOND LANGUANGE TECAHING. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0117 ETC312 - PENILAIAN & PENGUJIAN DALAM BILIK DARJAH EVALUATION AND TESTING IN THE CLASSROOM. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0117 ETG433 - TEACHING GRAMMAR IN THE SECOND LANGUANGE CLASSROOM. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0117 EWB642 - WEB-BASED LEARNING. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2018) 0118 EAM643 - ISSUES AND METHODS IN TEACHING ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2018) 0118 EBC642 - BRAIN, COGNITIVE AND EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2018) 0118 EBM642 - TRENDS AND ISSUES IN TEACHING BAHASA MALAYSIA. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2018) 0118 EBM643 - LITERATURE IN TEACHING BAHASA MALAYSIA. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2018) 0118 ECC412 - COMPUTERS IN THE SECOND LANGUAGE CLASSROOM. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2018) 0118 ECE211 - LANGUAGE & LITERACY IN YOUNG CHILDREN. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2018) 0118 ECE233 - HUMANITIES FOR YOUNG CHILDREN. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2018) 0118 ECI642 - CLINICAL TEACHING IN NURSING. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2018) 0118 EEA622 - EDUCATIONAL ASSESSMENT. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2018) 0118 EEM421 - INTRODUCTION TO MORAL EDUCATION (PENGENALAN KEPADA PENDIDIKAN MORAL). [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2018) 0118 EEM422 - TEACHING METHODS & STRATEGIES IN MORAL EDUCATION (KAEDAH & STRATEGI MENGAJAR PENDIDIKAN MORAL). [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2018) 0118 EIT632 - FUNDAMENTALS OF INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2018) 0118 ELC612 - LEARNING AND COGNITION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2018) 0118 ELD643 - LIFESPAN DEVELOPMENT. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2018) 0118 EMA643 - EMERGING PERSPECTIVES IN EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2018) 0118 EME642 - TESTING AND MEASUREMENT. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2018) 0118 EME643 - PROGRAMME EVALUATION IN EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2018) 0118 EMI 643 - MODELS OF INSTRUCTION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2018) 0118 EML411- ENHANCING TEACHER PROFESSIONALISM (PENINGKATAN PROFESIONALISMA GURU). [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2018) 0118 EMM333 - METODOLOGI BAHASA MELAYU SEKOLAH RENDAH. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2018) 0118 EMM643 - TRENDS AND ISSUES IN MATHEMATICS EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2018) 0118 EPE211 - PHILOSOPHY OF EDUCATION (FALSAFAH PENDIDIKAN). [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2018) 0118 EPE642 - CURRICULUM DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2018) 0118 EPN643 - ISSUES AND TRENDS IN NURSING EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2018) 0118 EQL671 - QUALITATIVE RESEARCH METHODS IN EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2018) 0118 ERC411 - READING IN SECOND LANGUAGE CONTEXTS. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2018) 0118 ESC643 - SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND SOCIETY EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2018) 0118 ESL322 - SOSIOLINGUISTIK. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2018) 0118 ESM641 - RESEARCH METHODS IN EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2018) 0118 ETG433 - TEACHING GRAMMAR IN THE SECOND LANGUAGE CLASSROOM. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2018) 0118 ETM432 - TEACHING ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2019) 0119 EAL632 - ACADEMIC LEADERSHIP & RESEARCH SUPERVISION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2019) 0119 ECE121 - FOUNDATIONS IN EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2019) 0119 ECE123 - CURRICULUM AND TEACHING STRATEGIES IN EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2019) 0119 ECE124 - OBSERVATION AND ASSESSMENT IN THE EARLY YEARS. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2019) 0119 ECE131 - TECHNOLOGY AND CHILDREN. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2019) 0119 ECE135 - LEADERSHIP & MANAGEMENT OF EARLY CHILDHOOD CENTRES. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2019) 0119 ECE212 - CHILDREN'S HEALTH, NUTRITION AND SAFETY. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2019) 0119 ECE213 - SOCIO-EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF CHILDREN. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2019) 0119 ECE213 - SOCIO-EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF CHILDREN. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2019) 0119 ECE223 - CHILDREN WITH SPECIAL NEEDS. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2019) 0119 ECE231 - HOME-SCHOOL PARTNERSHIP & MANAGEMENT OF CHILDREN DEVELOPMENT CENTRE. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2019) 0119 ECE311 - LEARNING DISABILITIES IN CHILDREN. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2019) 0119 ECE322 - TECHNOLOGY FOR YOUNG CHILDREN. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2019) 0119 ECE432 - ISSUES AND TRENDS IN EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2019) 0119 ECG222 - CHILD GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2019) 0119 ECH613 - COUNSELLING IN HIGHER EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2019) 0119 ECP213 - DEVELOPING THE CURRICULUM (PEMBANGUNAN KURIKULUM). [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2019) 0119 ECS312 - COUNSELING IN SCHOOLS. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2019) 0119 EEA622 - EDUCATIONAL ASSESSMENT. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2019) 0119 EEM421 - INTRODUCTION TO MORAL EDUCATION (PENGENALAN KEPADA PENDIDIKAN MORAL). [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2019) 0119 EEM432 - ISSUE AND TRENDS IN MORAL EDUCATION (ISU DAN TREND DALAM PENDIDIKAN MORAL). [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2019) 0119 EEM433 - PENILAIAN DALAM PENDIDIKAN MORAL (ASSESSMENT IN MORAL EDUCATION). [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2019) 0119 EEP212 - EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2019) 0119 EFF312 - FONETIK DAN FONOLOGI. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2019) 0119 EFG331 - FUNDAMENTALS OF ENGLISH GRAMMAR. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2019) 0119 EKM331 - KURIKULUM BAHASA MELAYU SEKOLAH RENDAH. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2019) 0119 ELC612 - LEARNING AND COGNITION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2019) 0119 ELL322 - LINGUISTICS FOR LANGUAGE TEACHERS. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2019) 0119 EMB412 - PENGAJARAN KEMAHIRAN MENDENGAR DAN BERTUTUR DALAM BAHASA MELAYU. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2019) 0119 EMB415 - PENGAJARAN KEMAHIRAN MEMBACA DALAM BAHASA MELAYU. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2019) 0119 EMI643 - MODELS OF INSTRUCTION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2019) 0119 EML411 - ENHANCING TEACHER PROFESSIONALISM. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2019) 0119 EPE211 - PHILOSOPHY OF EDUCATION (FALSAFAH PENDIDIKAN). [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2019) 0119 EPE611 - PHILOSOPHICAL IDEAS IN EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2019) 0119 EPE642 - CURRICULUM DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2019) 0119 EPM233 - PEDAGOGICAL MODELS AND STRATEGIES. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2019) 0119 EPN643 - ISSUES AND TRENDS IN NURSING EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2019) 0119 EPP411 - PENGAJARAN DAN PEMBELAJARAN BAHASA MELAYU BERBANTUKAN KOMPUTER. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2019) 0119 EPS613 - PHILOSOPHY AND SOCIOLOGY OF EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2019) 0119 EPT332 - PSYCHOLINGUISTICS IN SECOND LANGUAGE TEACHING. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2019) 0119 EQL671 - QUALITATIVE RESEARCH METHODS IN EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2019) 0119 ERC431 - RESEARCH IN CLASSROOM 1. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2019) 0119 ESE621 - SOCIOLOGY OF EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2019) 0119 ESE633 - STATISTICS IN EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2019) 0119 ESM641 - RESEARCH METHODS IN EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2019) 0119 ESN412 - CHILDREN WITH SPECIAL NEEDS. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2019) 0119 ESP323 - SEMANTIK DAN PERISTILAHAN DALAM BAHASA MELAYU. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2019) 0119 ESS221 - SCHOOL AND SOCIETY. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2019) 0119 ESS222 - CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2019) 0119 EST 333 - SOCIOLINGUISTICS IN SECOND LANGUAGE TEACHING. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2019) 0119 ETE411 - LANGUAGE TESTING AND EVALUATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2019) 0119 ETG433 - TEACHING GRAMMAR IN THE SECOND LANGUAGE CLASSROOM. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2019) 0119 ETL431 - TEACHING LITERATURE IN A SECOND LANGUAGE CONTEXT. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2019) 0119 ETM432 - TEACHING ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE METHODOLOGY. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2019) 0119 ETN433 - TEACHING SHORT STORIES AND NOVEL IN A SECOND LANGUAGE CONTEXT. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2019) 0119 ETR422 - TEACHING READING IN THE SECOND LANGUAGE CLASSROOM. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2019) 0119 ETW431 - TEACHING WRITING IN THE SECOND LANGUAGE CLASSROOM. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2009) 022009 EMI643 - Models of Instruction set 1. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0515 ECE131 - TECHNOLOGY AND CHILDREN. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0515 ECE132 - FOUNDATION OF EARLY CHILHOOD EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0515 ECE231 - HOME-SCHOOL PARTNERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT & MANAGEMENT OF CHILDREN DEVELOPMENT CENTRE. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0515 ECE233 - HUMANITIES FOR YOUNG CHILDREN. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0515 ECE311 - LEARNING DISABILITIES IN CHILDREN (KANAK-KANAK BERMASALAH PEMBELAJARAN). [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0515 ECE322 - TEKNOLOGI AWAL KANAK-KANAK. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0515 ECH632 - INTRODUCTION TO EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0515 EEA622 - EDUCATIONAL ASSESSMENT. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0515 EEM421 - PENGENALAN KEPADA PENDIDIKAN (INTRODUCTION TO MORAL EDUCATION). [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0515 EEM433 - PENTAKSIRAN DALAM PENDIDKAN MORAL (ASSESSMENT IN MORAL EDUCATION). [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0515 EFF312 - FONETIK AND FONOLOGI. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0515 EFG331 - FUNDAMENTALS OF ENGLISH GRAMMAR. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0515 EID643 - PRINCIPLES OF INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGN. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0515 EKM322 - KESUSASTERAAN MELAYU. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0515 ELL322 - LINGUISTICS FOR LANGUAGE TEACHERS. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0515 ELS432 - TEACHING LSITENING AND SPEAKING SKILLS IN THE SECOND LANGUAGE CLASSROOM. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0515 EMA643 - EMERGING PERSPECTIVES IN EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0515 EMB415 - PENGAJARAN KEMAHIRAN MEMBACA DALAM BAHASA MELAYU. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2016) 0516 EAE131 - ASSESSMENT IN EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2016) 0516 EAM643 - ISSUES AND METHOD IN TEACHING ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2016) 0516 ECE132 - FOUNDATION FOR EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2016) 0516 ECE211 - LANGUAGE & LITERACY IN YOUNG CHILDREN. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2016) 0516 ECS312 - COUNSELING IN SCHOOL. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2016) 0516 EEA622 - EDUCATIONAL ASSESSMENT. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2016) 0516 EFG331 - FUNDAMENTALS OF ENGLISH GRAMMAR. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2016) 0516 EKM322 - KESUSASTERAAN MELAYU. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2016) 0516 EME643 - PROGRAMME EVALUATION IN EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2016) 0516 EQL671 - QUALITATIVE RESEARCH METHOD IN EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2016) 0516 ERC411 - READING IN SECOND LANGUAGE CONTEXTS. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2016) 0516 ESS221 - SEKOLAH & MASYARAKAT (SCHOOL & SOCIETY). [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2016) 0516 ESS222 - AKTIVITI KO-KURIKULUM (CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES). [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2016) 0516 ESS222 - CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2016) 0516 ETL642 - TEACHING LITERATURE IN ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0517 EAM643 - ISSUES AND METHODS IN TEACHING ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0517 EBC642 - BRAIN, COGNITIVE AND EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0517 EEA622 - EDUCATIONAL ASSESSMENT. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0517 EEC412 - COMPUTERS IN SECOND LANGUAGE CLASSROOM. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0517 EEM432 - ISU DAN TREND DALAM PENDIDIKAN MORAL [ISSUE AND TRENDS IN MORAL EDUCATION]. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0517 EEM433 - PENTAKSIRAN DALAM PENDIDIKAN MORAL [ASSESSMENT IN MORAL EDUCATION]. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0517 EEP212 - PSIKOLOGI PENDIDIKAN [EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY]. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0517 EFG331 - FUNDAMENTALS OF ENGLISH GRAMMAR. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0517 ELD643 - LIFESPAN DEVELOPMENT. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0517 ELL322 - LINGUISTICS FOR LANGUAGE TEACHERS. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0517 ELS432 - TEACHING LISTENING AND SPEAKING SKILLS IN THE SECOND LANGUAGE CLASSROOM. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0517 EMA642 - CONCEPTS AND THEORIES IN EDUCATIONAL MANAGEMENT. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0517 EMA643 - EMERGING PERSPECTIVES IN EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0517 EMB412 - PENGAJARAN KEMAHIRAN MENDENGAR DAN BERTUTUR DALAM BAHASA MELAYU. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0517 EME642 - TESTING AND MEASUREMENT. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0517 EME643 - PROGRAMME EVALUATION IN EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0517 EMI643 - MODELS OF INSTRUCTION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0517 EMM413 - PENGAJARAN KEMAHIRAN MENULIS DALAM BAHASA MELAYU. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0517 EMM643 - TRENDS AND ISSUE IN MATHEMATICS EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0517 EPE211 - PHILOSOPHY OF EDUCATION [FALSAFAH PENDIDIKAN] [TESL]. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0517 EPE211 - PHILOSOPHY OF EDUCATION [FALSAFAH PENDIDIKAN] [TISPS]. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0517 EPE611 - PHILOSOPHICAL IDEAS IN EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0517 EPM233 - MODEL DAN STRATEGI PEDAGOGI [PEDAGOGICAL MODELS AND STRATEGIES). [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0517 EQL671 - QUALITATIVE RESEARCH METHODS IN EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0517 ERC411 - READING IN SECOND LANGUAGE CONTEXTS. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0517 ESC643 - SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND SOCIETY IN EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0517 ETL642 - TEACHING LITERATURE IN ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0517 ETW431 - TEACHING WRITING IN THE SECOND LANGUAGE CLASSROOM. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0517 EWB642 - WEB-BASED LEARNING. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2018) 0518 ECE113 - CHILD PSYCHOLOGY. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2018) 0518 ECE124 - OBSERVATION AND ASSESSMENT IN THE EARLY YEARS. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2018) 0518 ECE222 - CREATIVE ARTS, MUSIC AND MOVEMENT. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2018) 0518 ECE313 - SCIENCE FOR YOUNG LEARNERS. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2018) 0518 ECF643 - CURRICULUM OF THE FUTURE. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2018) 0518 ECG222 - CHILD GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2018) 0518 ECH613 - COUNSELLING IN HIGHER EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2018) 0518 ECI613 - CURRICULUM & INSTRUCTION IN THE EARLY YEARS. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2018) 0518 ECI642 - CLINICAL TEACHING IN NURSING. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2018) 0518 ECS312 - COUNSELING IN SCHOOLS. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2018) 0518 EEA622 - EDUCATIONAL ASSESSMENT. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2018) 0518 EEM421 - INTRODUCTION TO MORAL EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2018) 0518 EEM422 - TEACHING METHODS AND STRATEGIC IN MORAL. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2018) 0518 EEM433 - ASSESSMENT IN MORAL EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2018) 0518 EEP212 - EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2018) 0518 EIT311 - INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY AND LEARNING RESOURCES. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2018) 0518 ELC612 - LEARNING AND COGNITION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2018) 0518 ELD643 - LIFESPAN DEVELOPMENT. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2018) 0518 ELL322 - LINGUISTICS FOR LANGUAGE TEACHERS. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2018) 0518 EMI643 - MODELS OF INSTRUCTION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2018) 0518 EMM413 - PENGAJARAN KEMAHIRAN MENULIS DALAM BAHASA MELAYU. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2018) 0518 EMM642 - CURRICULUM AND ASSESSMENT IN MATHEMATICS EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2018) 0518 EPE611 - PHILOSOPHICAL IDEAS IN EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2018) 0518 EPE642 - CURRICULUM DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2018) 0518 EPN643 - ISSUES AND TRENDS IN NURSING EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2018) 0518 EQL671 - QUALITATIVE RESEARCH METHODS IN EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2018) 0518 ESC642 - TRENDS IN THE TEACHING AND LEARNING OF SCIENCE. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2018) 0518 ESE621 - SOCIOLOGY OF EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2018) 0518 ESE633 - STATISTICS IN EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2018) 0518 ESL322 - SOSIOLINGUISTIK. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2018) 0518 ESM641 - RESEARCH METHODS IN EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2018) 0518 ESS221 - SCHOOL & SOCIETY. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2018) 0518 ESS222 - CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2018) 0518 ETC312 - EVALUATION AND TESTING IN THE CLASSROOM. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2018) 0518 ETD433 - TEACHING DRAMA AND POETRY IN A SECOND LANGUAGE CONTEXT. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2018) 0518 ETN433 - TEACHING SHORT STORIES AND NOVEL IN A SECOND LANGUAGE CONTEXT. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2018) 0518 ETR422 - TEACHING READING IN THE SECOND LANGUAGE CLASSROOM. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2018) 0518 ETW431 - TEACHING WRITING IN THE SECOND LANGUAGE CLASSROOM. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2019) 0519 ECG222 - CHILD GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2019) 0519 EFF312 - FONETIK DAN FONOLOGI. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2008) 0908 ELC612 - Learning and Cognition. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2008) 0908 EPE611 - Philosophical Idea in Education. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2008) 0908 MEC605 - Managerial Economics. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2009) 0909 EAM643 - Issues and Methods in teaching English as a Second Language. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2009) 0909 ECP213 - Developing the Curriculum. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2009) 0909 ECS312 - Counselling in Schools. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2009) 0909 ECS642 - School Curriculum. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2009) 0909 ELC612 - Learning and Cognition. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2009) 0909 EPE611 - Philosophical Ideas in Education. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2009) 0909 EPN643 Issues and Trends in Nursing Education. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2009) 0909 EQL671 - Qualitative Research Method in Education. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2009) 0909 ESE633 - STATISTICS IN EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2009) 0909 ESE633 - Statistics in Education. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0914 EAE131 - ASSESSMENT IN EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0914 EAM643 - ISSUES AND METHODS IN TEACHING ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0914 EBC642 - BRAIN, COGNITION AND EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0914 EBC642 - BRAIN, COGNITION AND EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0914 ECI642 - CLINICAL TEACHING IN NURSING. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0914 EEA622 - EDUCATIONAL ASSESSMENT. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0914 EEM422 - KAEDAH DAN STRATEGI MENGAJAR PENDIDIKAN MORAL. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0914 EEM432 - ISU DAN TREND DALAM PENDIDIKAN MORAL. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0914 EEM521 - INTRODUCTION TO MORAL EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0914 EIT311 - INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY AND LEARNING RESOURCES. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0914 EIT632 - FUNDAMENTAL OF INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0914 ELC612 - LEARNING AND COGNITION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0914 EMA642 - CONCEPTS AND THEORIES IN EDUCATIONAL MANAGEMENT. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0914 EMA643 - EMERGING PERSPECTIVE IN EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0914 EMB412 - PENGAJARAN KEMAHIRAN MENDENGAR DAN BERTUTUR DALAM BAHASA MELAYU. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0914 EMB415 - PENGAJARAN KEMAHIRAN MEMBACA DALAM BAHASA MELAYU. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0914 EME642 - TESTING AND MEASUREMENT. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0914 EME643 - PROGRAMME EVALUATION IN EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0914 EMI643 - MODELS OF INSTRUCTION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0914 EMM413 - PENGAJARAN KEMAHIRAN MENULIS DALAM BAHASA MELAYU. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0914 EPE611 - PHILOSOPHICAL IDEAS IN EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0914 EPM233 - MODEL DAN STRATEGI PEDAGOGI. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0914 EPN643 - ISSUES AND TRENDS IN NURSING EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0914 EPP411 - PENGAJARAN DAN PEMBELAJARAN BAHASA MELAYU BERBANTUKAN KOMPUTER. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0914 EPT332 - PSYCHOLINGUISTIC IN SECOND LANGUAGE TEACHING. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0914 EQL671 - QUALITATIVE RESEARCH METHODS IN EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0914 ERC431 - PENYELIDIKAN DALAM BILIK DARJAH 1. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0915 EAM643 - ISSUES AND METHODS IN TEACHING ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0915 EBC642 - BRAIN, COGNITION AND EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0915 ECE113 - EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0915 ECE211 - LANGUAGE & LITERACY FOR YOUNG CHILDREN. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0915 ECE212 - CHILDREN'S HEALTH, NUTRITION & SAFETY. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0915 ECI642 - CLINICAL TEACHING IN NURSING. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0915 ECS312 - COUNSELING IN SCHOOLS. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0915 EEA622 - EDUCATIONAL ASSESSMENT. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0915 EMA643 - EMERGING PERSPECTIVES IN EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0915 EME643 - PROGRAMME EVALUATION IN EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0915 ENL611 - NATURE OF STUDENT LEARNING. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0915 EPM233 - MODEL DAN STRATEGI PEDAGOGI (PEDAGOGICAL MODELS AND STRATEGIES). [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0915 EPN643 - ISSUES AND TRENDS IN NURSING EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0915 EPP222 - TRENDS IN ONLINE LEARNING. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0915 EQL671 - QUALITATIVE RESEARCH METHODS IN EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0915 ESC643 - SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND SOCIETY EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0915 ESS221 - SCHOOL AND SOCIETY (SEKOLAH DAN MASYARAKAT). [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0915 ESS222 - CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES (AKTIVITI KOKURIKULUM). [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0915 EST113 - SCHOOL, SOCIETY AND TEACHING. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0915 ETC312 - EVALUATION & TESTING IN THE CLASSROOM (PENILAIAN DAN PENGUJIAN DALAM BILIK DARJAH). [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0915 ETE411 - LANGUAGE TESTING AND EVALUATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0915 ETL642 - TEACHING LITERATURE IN ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0915 ETM432 - TEACHING ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE METHODOLOGY. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0915 ETR422 - TEACHING READING IN THE SECOND LANGUAGE CLASSROOM. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0915 ETW431 - TEACHING WRITING IN THE SECOND LANGUAGE CLASSROOM. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2016) 0916 EAM643 - ISSUES AND METHOD IN TEACHING ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2016) 0916 ECE132 - FOUNDATION FOR EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2016) 0916 ECE211 - LANGUAGE & LITERACY IN YOUNG CHILDREN. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2016) 0916 ECS312 - COUNSELING IN SCHOOL. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2016) 0916 EEA622 - EDUCATIONAL ASSESSMENT. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2016) 0916 EEM421 - PENGENALAN KEPADA PENDIDIKAN MORAL (INTRODUCTION TO MORAL EDUCATION). [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2016) 0916 EFF312 - FONETIK DAN FONOLOGI. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2016) 0916 EFG331 - FUNDAMENTALS OF ENGLISH GRAMMAR. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2016) 0916 ELD643 - LIFESPAN DEVELOPMENT. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2016) 0916 EMA643 - EMERGING PERSPECTIVES IN EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0916 EML411 - PENINGKATAN PROFESIONALISME GURU (ENHANCING TEACHER PROFESSIONALISM). [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2016) 0916 EMM413 - PENGAJARAN KEMAHIRAN MENULIS DALAM BAHASA MELAYU. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2016) 0916 EPM233 - MODEL DAN STRATEGI PEDAGOGI (PEDAGOGICAL MODELS AND STRATEGIES). [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2016) 0916 EQL671 - QUALITATIVE RESEARCH METHODS IN EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2016) 0916 ERC411 - READING IN SECOND LANGUAGE CONTEXTS. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2016) 0916 ESM641 - RESEARCH METHODS IN EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2016) 0916 ESS221 - SEKOLAH & MASYARAKAT (SCHOOL & SOCIETY). [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2016) 0916 EST113 - SCHOOL, SOCIETY AND TEACHING. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2016) 0916 ETC312 - PENILAIAN & PENGUJIAN DALAM BILIK DARJAH (EVALUATION AND TESTING IN THE CLASSROOM). [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2016) 0916 ETD433 - TEACHING DRAMA AND POETRY IN A SECOND LANGUAGE CONTEXT. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2016) 0916 ETE411 - LANGUAGE TESTING AND EVALUATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2016) 0916 ETG433 - TEACHING GRAMMAR IN SECOND LANGUAGE CLASSROOM. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2016) 0916 ETL642 - TEACHING LITERATURE IN ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2016) 0916 ETN433 - TEACHING SHORT STORIES AND NOVEL IN A SECOND LANGUAGE CONTEXT. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0917 EAM643 - ISSUES AND METHODS IN TEACHING ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0917 EBC642 - BRAIN, COGNITION AND EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0917 ECE223 - CHILDREN WITH SPECIAL NEEDS. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0917 ECE311 - LEARNING DISABILITIES IN CHILDREN. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0917 ECI642 - CLINICAL TEACHING IN NURSING. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0917 EEA622 - EDUCATIONAL ASSESSMENT. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0917 EEM421 - PENGENALAN KEPADA PENDIDIKAN MORAL [INTRODUCTION TO MORAL EDUCATION]. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0917 EFF312 - FONETIK DAN FONOLOGI. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0917 EFG331 - FUNDAMENTALS OF ENGLISH GRAMMAR. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0917 EIT632 - FUNDAMENTALS OF INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0917 ELC612 - LEARNING AND COGNITION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0917 ELD643 -LIFESPAN DEVELOPMENT. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0917 ELL322 - LINGUISTICS FOR LANGUAGE TEACHERS. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0917 ELS432 - TEACHING LISTENING AND SPEAKING SKILLS IN THE SECOND LANGUAGE CLASSROOM. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0917 EMA643 - EMERGING PERSPECTIVES IN EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0917 EML411 - ENHANCING TEACHER PROFESSIONALISM [PENINGKATAN PROFESSIONALISME GURU]. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0917 EPE642 - CURRICULUM DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0917 EPM233 - PEDAGOGICAL MODELS AND STRATEGIES. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0917 EPN643 - ISSUES AND TRENDS IN NURSING EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0917 EPP411 - PENGAJARAN DAN PEMBELAJARAN BAHASA MELAYU BERBANTUKAN KOMPUTER. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0917 EQL671 - QUALITATIVE RESEARCH METHODS IN EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0917 ERC411 - READING IN THE SECOND LANGUAGE CONTEXTS. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0917 ESC643 - SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND SOCIETY EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0917 ESM641 - RESEARCH METHODS IN EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0917 EST333 - SOCIOLINGUISTICS IN SECOND LANGUAGE TEACHING. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0917 ETE411 - LANGUAGE TESTING AND EVALUATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0917 ETG433 - TEACHING GRAMMAR IN THE SECOND LANGUAGE CLASSROOM. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0917 ETL431 - TEACHING LITERATURE IN A SECOND LANGUAGE CONTEXT. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0917 ETN433 - TEACHING SHORT STORIES AND NOVEL IN A SECOND LANGUAGE CONTEXT. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0917 ETR422 - TEACHING READING IN THE SECOND LANGUAGE CLASSROOM. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0917 ETW431 - TEACHING WRITING IN A SECOND LANGUAGE CLASSROOM. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0917 EWB642 - WEB-BASED LEARNING. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0917 EWC412 - WRITING IN SECOND LANGUAGE CONTEXTS. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0917 UCS101 MPU3222 - ACADEMIC WRITING [PENULISAN AKADEMIK]. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2018) 0918 ECE313 - SCIENCE FOR YOUNG LEARNERS. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2018) 0918 EEA622 - EDUCATIONAL ASSESSMENT. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2018) 0918 EEM422 - TEACHING METHODS & STRATEGIES IN MORAL EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2018) 0918 EEM433 - ASSESSMENT IN MORAL EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2018) 0918 EEP212 - EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2018) 0918 EFF312 - FONETIK DAN FONOLOGI. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2018) 0918 EIT632 - FUNDAMENTALS OF INSTRUCTIONAL. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2018) 0918 ELC612 - LEARNING AND COGNITION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2018) 0918 ELC612 - LEARNING AND COGNITION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2018) 0918 EMB412 - PENGAJARAN KEMAHIRAN MENDENGAR DAN BERTUTUR DALAM BAHASA MELAYU. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2018) 0918 EMI643 - MODELS OF INSTRUCTION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2018) 0918 EML411 - ENHANCING TEACHER PROFESSIONALISM. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2018) 0918 EMM333 - METODOLOGI BAHASA MELAYU SEKOLAH RENDAH. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2018) 0918 EPE211 - PHILOSOPHY OF EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2018) 0918 EPE611 - PHILOSOPHICAL IDEAS IN EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2018) 0918 EPE642 - CURRICULUM DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2018) 0918 EPM233 - PEDAGOGICAL MODELS AND STRATEGIES. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2018) 0918 EPS613 - PHILOSOPHY AND SOCIOLOGY OF EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2018) 0918 EQL671 - QUALITATIVE RESEARCH METHODS IN EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2018) 0918 ERC431 - RESEARCH IN CLASSROOM. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2018) 0918 ESE633 - STATISTIC IN EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2018) 0918 ESS221 - SCHOOL AND SOCIETY. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2018) 0918 ESS222 - CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2018) 0918 EST333 - SOCIOLINGUISTICS IN SECOND LANGUAGE TEACHING. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2018) 0918 ETC312 - EVALUATION AND TESTING IN THE CLASSROOM (PENILAIAN DAN PENGUJIAN DALAM BILIK DARJAH). [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2018) 0918 ETD433 - TEACHING DRAMA AND POETRY IN A SECOND LANGUAGE CONTEXT. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2018) 0918 ETE411 - LANGUAGE TESTING AND EVALUATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2018) 0918 ETM432 - TEACHING ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE METHODOLOGY. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2018) 0918 ETN433 - TEACHING SHORT STORIES AND NOVELS IN A SECOND LANGUAGE CONTEXT. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2018) 0918 ETR422 - TEACHING READING IN THE SECOND LANGUAGE CLASSROOM. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2011) 092010 ELC612 - Learning and Cognition set 1. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2011) 092010 ELC612 - Learning and Cognition set 2. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2012) 092011 ELC612 - Learning and cognition. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, School of Education & Cognitive Science (2019) 0519 ECC412 - COMPUTERS IN THE SECOND LANGUAGE CLASSROOM. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, School of Education & Cognitive Science (2019) 0519 ECE113 - CHILD PSYCHOLOGY. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, School of Education & Cognitive Science (2019) 0519 ECE134 - SOCIO-EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT & GUIDING YOUNG CHILDREN. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, School of Education & Cognitive Science (2019) 0519 ECE135 - LEADERSHIP & MANAGEMENT OF EARLY CHILDHOOD CENTRES. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, School of Education & Cognitive Science (2019) 0519 ECE211 - LANGUAGE AND LITERACY IN YOUNG CHILDREN. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, School of Education & Cognitive Science (2019) 0519 ECE212 - CHILDREN'S HEALTH, SAFETY & NUTRITION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, School of Education & Cognitive Science (2019) 0519 ECE213 - SOCIO-EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF CHILDREN. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, School of Education & Cognitive Science (2019) 0519 ECE231 - HOME_SCHOOL PARTNERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT OF CHILDREN DEVELOPMENT CENTRE. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, School of Education & Cognitive Science (2019) 0519 ECE232 - CHILDREN LEARNING MATHEMATICS. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, School of Education & Cognitive Science (2019) 0519 ECE233 - HUMANITIES FOR YOUNG CHILDREN. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, School of Education & Cognitive Science (2019) 0519 ECE311 - LEARNING DISABILITIES IN CHILDREN. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, School of Education & Cognitive Science (2019) 0519 ECE322 - TECHNOLOGY FOR YOUNG CHILDREN. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, School of Education & Cognitive Science (2019) 0519 ECE333 - CHILDREN'S HEALTH, NUTRITION & SAFETY. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, School of Education & Cognitive Science (2019) 0519 ECE333 - CHILDREN'S HEALTH, NUTRITION & SAFETY [KESIHATAN, PEMAKANAN DAN KESELAMATAN KANAK-KANAK]. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, School of Education & Cognitive Science (2019) 0519 ECE334 - VISUAL ARTS AND CRAFTS FOR CHILDREN. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, School of Education & Cognitive Science (2019) 0519 ECE411 - EVALUATION AND OBSERVATION OF CHILDREN. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, School of Education & Cognitive Science (2019) 0519 ECE412 - SOCIAL STUDIES FOR YOUNG CHILDREN [PENGAJIAN SOSIAL UNTUK KANAK-KANAK]. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, School of Education & Cognitive Science (2019) 0519 ECE432 - ISSUES AND TRENDS IN EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, School of Education & Cognitive Science (2019) 0519 ECS312 - COUNSELING IN SCHOOLS. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, School of Education & Cognitive Science (2019) 0519 EEA622 - EDUCATIONAL ASSESSMENT. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, School of Education & Cognitive Science (2019) 0519 EEM421 - INTRODUCTION TO MORAL EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, School of Education & Cognitive Science (2019) 0519 EEM422 - TEACHING METHODS AND STRATEGIES IN MORAL EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, School of Education & Cognitive Science (2019) 0519 EEM432 - ISSUE AND TRENDS IN MORAL EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, School of Education & Cognitive Science (2019) 0519 EEP212 - EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, School of Education & Cognitive Science (2019) 0519 EFG331 - FUNDAMENTALS OF ENGLISH GRAMMAR. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, School of Education & Cognitive Science (2019) 0519 EGL121 - GUIDANCE IN SCHOOLS. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, School of Education & Cognitive Science (2019) 0519 EIT311 - INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY AND LEARNING RESOURCES. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, School of Education & Cognitive Science (2019) 0519 EIT632 - FUNDAMENTALS OF INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, School of Education & Cognitive Science (2019) 0519 EKM322 - KESUSASTERAAN MELAYU. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, School of Education & Cognitive Science (2019) 0519 ELC612 - LEARNING AND COGNITION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, School of Education & Cognitive Science (2019) 0519 ELS432 - TEACHING LISTENING AND SPEAKING SKILLS IN THE SECOND LANGUAGE CLASSROOM. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, School of Education & Cognitive Science (2019) 0519 EMB415 - PENGAJARAN KEMAHIRAN MEMBACA DALAM BAHASA MELAYU. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, School of Education & Cognitive Science (2019) 0519 EMI643 - MODELS OF INSTRUCTION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, School of Education & Cognitive Science (2019) 0519 EPE611 - PHILOSOPHICAL IDEAS IN EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, School of Education & Cognitive Science (2019) 0519 EPE642 - CURRICULUM DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, School of Education & Cognitive Science (2019) 0519 EPM233 - PEDAGOGICAL MODELS AND STRATEGIES. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, School of Education & Cognitive Science (2019) 0519 EPP411 - PENGAJARAN AN PEMBELAJARAN BAHASA MELAYU BERBANTUKAN KOMPUTER. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, School of Education & Cognitive Science (2019) 0519 EPS613 - PHILOSOPHY AND SOCIOLOGY OF EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, School of Education & Cognitive Science (2019) 0519 EPT332 - PSYCHOLINGUISTICS IN SECOND LANGUAGE TEACHING. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, School of Education & Cognitive Science (2019) 0519 EQL671 - QUALITATIVE RESEARCH METHODS IN EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, School of Education & Cognitive Science (2019) 0519 ERC411 - READING IN THE SECOND LANGUAGE CONTEXTS. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, School of Education & Cognitive Science (2019) 0519 ERC431 - RESEARCH IN CLASSROOM 1. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, School of Education & Cognitive Science (2019) 0519 ESE621 - SOCIOLOGY OF EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, School of Education & Cognitive Science (2019) 0519 ESE633 - STATISTICS IN EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, School of Education & Cognitive Science (2019) 0519 ESM641 - RESEARCH METHODS IN EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, School of Education & Cognitive Science (2019) 0519 ESN412 - CHILDREN WITH SPECIAL NEEDS. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, School of Education & Cognitive Science (2019) 0519 ESP313 - SEJARAH DAN PERKEMBANGAN BAHASA MELAYU. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, School of Education & Cognitive Science (2019) 0519 ESP323 - SEMANTIK DAN PERISTILAHAN DALAM BAHASA MELAYU. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, School of Education & Cognitive Science (2019) 0519 ESS222 - CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, School of Education & Cognitive Science (2019) 0519 ETC312 - EVALUATION AND TESTING IN THE CLASSROOM. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, School of Education & Cognitive Science (2019) 0519 ETD433 - TEACHING DRAMA AND POETRY IN A SECOND LANGUAGE CONTEXT. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, School of Education & Cognitive Science (2019) 0519 ETW431 - TEACHING WRITING IN THE SECOND LANGUAGE CLASSROOM. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, School of Education & Cognitive Science (2019) 0519 EWC412 - WRITING IN SECOND LANGUAGE CONTEXTS. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, School of Education & Cognitive Science (2019) 0519 FS1012 - CRITICAL THINKING AND PROBLEM SOLVING SKILLS. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, School of Education & Cognitive Science 0919 ECE113 - CHILD PSYCHOLOGY. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, School of Education & Cognitive Science 0919 ECE123 - CURRICULUM AND TEACHING STRATEGIES IN EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, School of Education & Cognitive Science 0919 ECE131- TECHNOLOGY & CHILDREN. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, School of Education & Cognitive Science 0919 ECE133-GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT OF CHILDREN. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, School of Education & Cognitive Science 0919 ECE134 - SOCIO-EMOTIONAL DEVELOPEMENT & GUIDING YOUNG CHILDREN. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, School of Education & Cognitive Science 0919 ECE135 - LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT OF EARLY CHILDHOOD CENTRES. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, School of Education & Cognitive Science 0919 ECE211-LANGAUGE AND LITERACY IN YOUNG CHILDREN. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, School of Education & Cognitive Science 0919 ECE213- SOCIO-EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF CHILDREN. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, School of Education & Cognitive Science 0919 ECE231 - HOME-SCHOOL PARTNERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT OF CHILDREN DEVELOPMENT CENTRE. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, School of Education & Cognitive Science 0919 ECE233 - HUMANITIES FOR YOUNG CHILDREN. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, School of Education & Cognitive Science 0919 ECE311 - LEARNING DISABILITIES IN CHILDREN. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, School of Education & Cognitive Science 0919 ECE322-TECHNOLOGY FOR YOUNG CHILDREN. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, School of Education & Cognitive Science 0919 ECE334 - VISUAL ARTS AND CRAFTS FOR CHILDREN. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, School of Education & Cognitive Science 0919 ECE335-MATHEMATICS FOR YOUNG CHILDREN (PEMBELAJARAN MATEMATIK UNTUK KANAK-KANAK). [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, School of Education & Cognitive Science 0919 ECE411- EVALUATION AND OBSERVATION OF CHILDREN. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, School of Education & Cognitive Science 0919 ECE414-ADMINISTRATIVE AND MANAGEMENT OF EARLY CHILDHOOD CENTRES. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, School of Education & Cognitive Science 0919 ECE432-ISSUES AND TRENDS IN EARLY CHIDLHOOD EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, School of Education & Cognitive Science 0919 ECG222-CHILD GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, School of Education & Cognitive Science 0919 ECS312 -COUNSELING SCHOOLS. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, School of Education & Cognitive Science 0919 EEM433-ASSESSMENT IN MORAL EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, School of Education & Cognitive Science 0919 EIT311- INSTUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY & LEARNING RESOURCES. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, School of Education & Cognitive Science 0919 EIT632- FUNDAMENTALS OF INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, School of Education & Cognitive Science 0919 EKM322 - KESUSASTERAAN MELAYU. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, School of Education & Cognitive Science 0919 ELC612-LEARNING AND COGNITION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, School of Education & Cognitive Science 0919 EML411 - ENHANCING TEACHER PROFESSIONALISM. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, School of Education & Cognitive Science 0919 EPE211-PHILOSOPHY OF EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, School of Education & Cognitive Science 0919 EPE642-CURRICULUM DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, School of Education & Cognitive Science 0919 EPM233-PEDAGOGICAL MODEL AND STRATEGIES. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, School of Education & Cognitive Science 0919 EPM414-PENILAIAN BAHASA MELAYU SEKOLAH RENDAH. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, School of Education & Cognitive Science 0919 EPS412-CHILDREN WITH SPECIAL NEEDS. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, School of Education & Cognitive Science 0919 EPS613-PHILOSOPHY AND SOCIOLOGY OF EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, School of Education & Cognitive Science 0919 ERC411-READING IN THE SECOND LANGUAGE CONTEXTS. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, School of Education & Cognitive Science 0919 ESE621-SOCIOLOGY OF EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, School of Education & Cognitive Science 0919 ESM641-RESEARCH METHODS IN EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, School of Education & Cognitive Science 0919 ESN423 SHORT SHORIES AND NOVELS IN ENGLISH. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, School of Education & Cognitive Science 0919 ESS221-SCHOOL AND SOCIETY. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, School of Education & Cognitive Science 0919 ESS222-CO-CIRRICULAR ACTIVITIES. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, School of Education & Cognitive Science 0919 EST333-SOCIOLINGUISTICS IN SECOND LANGUAGE TEACHING. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, School of Education & Cognitive Science 0919 ETE411-LANGUAGE TESTING AND EVALUATION. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, School of Education & Cognitive Science 0919 ETR422-TEACHING READING IN THE SECOND LANGUAGE CLASSROOM. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, School of Education & Cognitive Science 0919 EWC412-WRITING IN SECOND LANGUAGE CONTEXTS. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, School of Education & Cognitive Science (2019) ECE313 SCIENCE FOR YOUNG LEARNERS. [Experiment]
School of Education & Cognitive Science, School of Education & Cognitive Science (2019) ECP213 DEVELOPING THE CURRICULUM. [Experiment]
School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2018) 0518 EBC642 - BRAIN, COGNITIVE AND EDUCATION. [Experiment]
School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2014) 0114 UCS105 - Information Literacy & Research Skills. [Experiment]
School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2015) 0115 CCT313 - CREATIVE THINKING. [Experiment]
School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2016) 0516 CCT313 - CREATIVE THINKING. [Experiment]
School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2012) 092011 EWB642 - Web-Based Learning. [Experiment]
School of Management, . (2018) 0118 MPU3222 UCS101 - ACADEMIC WRITING. [Experiment]
School of Management, . (2018) 0118 MQM608 - QUANTITATIVE METHODS AND DECISION ANALYSIS. [Experiment]
School of Management, . (2018) 0118 MRM614 - RESEARCH METHODOLOGY. [Experiment]
School of Management, . (2018) 0518 FS1012 - CRITICAL THINKING AND PROBLEM SOLVING SKILLS. [Experiment]
School of Management, . (2018) 0518 MQM608 - QUANTITATIVE METHODS AND DECISION ANALYSIS. [Experiment]
School of Management, . (2017) 0917 MRM614 - RESEARCH METHODOLOGY. [Experiment]
School of Management, . (2018) 0918 MPU3222 - ACADEMIC WRITING. [Experiment]
School of Management , . (2015) 0115 MPU3222_UCS101 - ACADEMIC WRITING. [Experiment]
School of Management , . (2015) 0115 MPU3312 - COMPARATIVE ETHICS [PERBANDINGAN ETIKA]. [Experiment]
School of Management , . (2015) 0115 MPW101_MQA101 - BAHASA KEBANGSAAN_BAHASA MELAYU DAN KOMUNIKASI. [Experiment]
School of Management , . (2015) 0115 MQA103 - ISLAMIC STUDIES. [Experiment]
School of Management , . (2015) 0115 MQA104_MPW104 - MORAL STUDIES. [Experiment]
School of Management , . (2015) 0115 MRM614 - RESEARCH METHODOLOGY. [Experiment]
School of Management , . (2015) 0115 UCS103 - ASIAN STUDIES. [Experiment]
School of Management , . (2017) 0117 MRM614 - RESEARCH METHODOLOGY. [Experiment]
School of Management , . (2011) 012011 MQA102 - Malaysian Studies. [Experiment]
School of Management , . (2013) 012013 UCS601 - RESEARCH METHODOLOGY. [Experiment]
School of Management , . (2016) 0516 MPW102_MQA102 - MALAYSIA STUDIES (PENGAJIAN MALAYSIA). [Experiment]
School of Management , . (2016) 0516 MRM614 - RESEARCH METHODOLOGY. [Experiment]
School of Management , . (2015) 0914 MOL637_MOL645 - ORGANISATIONAL LEARNING. [Experiment]
School of Management , . (2015) 0914 MPU3222_UCS101 - PENULISAN AKADEMIK. [Experiment]
School of Management , . (2015) 0914 MQM602 - QUANTITATIVE METHODS AND DECISION ANALYSIS. [Experiment]
School of Management , . (2015) 0914 MRM614 - RESEARCH METHODOLOGY. [Experiment]
School of Management , . (2016) 0915 MOL637 - ORGANISATIONAL LEARNING. [Experiment]
School of Management , . (2016) 0915 MPU3222_UCS101 - ACADEMIC WRITING (PENULISAN AKADEMIK). [Experiment]
School of Management , . (2016) 0915 MQM608 - QUANTITATIVE METHODS AND DECISION ANALYSIS. [Experiment]
School of Management , . (2014) 092013 MOL645 - ORGANISATIONAL LEARNING. [Experiment]
School of Management , . (2014) 092013 UCS601 - RESEARCH METHODOLOGY. [Experiment]
School or Arts, Humanities and Social Science, . (2016) 0116 SFI128 - FALSAFAH PENDIDIKAN ISLAM (PHILOSOPHY OF ISLAMIC EDUCATION). [Experiment]
School or Arts, Humanities and Social Science, . (2016) 0916 SAK119 - AQIDAH. [Experiment]