Items where Subject is "T Technology (General)"

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Number of items at this level: 335.


School of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences, School of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences (2016) 0116 SDS610 - DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS. [Experiment]

School of Education, . (2018) 0518 ECE131 - TECHNOLOGY AND CHILDREN. [Experiment]

School of Education , . (2015) 0115 ECE131 - TECHNOLOGY AND CHILDREN. [Experiment]

School of Education , . (2016) 0116 EAL632 - ACADEMIC LEADERSHIP AND RESEARCH SUPERVISION. [Experiment]

School of Education , . (2016) 0116 ECE322 - TEKNOLOGI AWAL KANAK-KANAK. [Experiment]

School of Education , . (2016) 0116 ESC643 - SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND SOCIETY EDUCATION. [Experiment]

School of Education , . (2015) 0515 EIT632 - FUNDAMENTALS OF INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY. [Experiment]

School of Education , . (2016) 0516 EAL632 - ACADEMIC LEADERSHIP AND RESEARCH SUPERVISION. [Experiment]

School of Education , . (2016) 0516 ETI132 - TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATION IN TEACHING. [Experiment]

School of Education , . (2015) 0914 ETI132 - TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATION IN TEACHING. [Experiment]

School of Education , . (2016) 0916 ECE131 - TECHNOLOGY AND CHILDREN. [Experiment]

School of Education , . (2016) 0916 EIT632 FUNDAMENTALS OF INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY. [Experiment]

School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0115 ECE322 - EARLY CHILHOOD TECHNOLOGY [TEKNOLOGI AWAL KANAK-KANAK]. [Experiment]


School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0115 EIT632 - FUNDAMENTALS OF INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY. [Experiment]

School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0115 EPP411 - PENGAJARAN DAN PEMBELAJARAN BAHASA MELAYU BERBANTUKAN KOMPUTER. [Experiment]

School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0117 ECE131 - TECHNOLOGY & CHILDREN. [Experiment]

School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0117 EIT632 - FUNDAMENTALS OF INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY. [Experiment]

School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0117 ESC643 - SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND SOCIETY EDUCATION. [Experiment]

School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2018) 0118 ECC412 - COMPUTERS IN THE SECOND LANGUAGE CLASSROOM. [Experiment]

School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2018) 0118 ECE131 - TECHNOLOGY AND CHILDREN. [Experiment]

School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2018) 0118 EIT632 - FUNDAMENTALS OF INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY. [Experiment]

School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0517 ECE131 - TECHNOLOGY AND CHILDREN. [Experiment]

School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0517 ECE322 - TEKNOLOGI AWAL KANAK-KANAK. [Experiment]

School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0517 EEC412 - COMPUTERS IN SECOND LANGUAGE CLASSROOM. [Experiment]

School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0517 EIT632 - FUNDAMENTALS OF INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY. [Experiment]

School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0517 ESC643 - SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND SOCIETY IN EDUCATION. [Experiment]

School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0517 EWB642 - WEB-BASED LEARNING. [Experiment]

School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2018) 0518 ECE322 - TECHNOLOGY FOR YOUNG CHILDREN. [Experiment]

School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2018) 0518 EIT632 - FUNDAMENTALS OF INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY. [Experiment]

School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2018) 0518 ESC643 - SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND SOCIETY EDUCATION. [Experiment]

School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2009) 0609 EIT632 - Fundamental of Instructional Technology. [Experiment]

School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0914 ECE131 - TECHNOLOGY AND CHILDREN. [Experiment]

School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0914 ECE322 - TECHNOLOGY FOR EARLY CHILHOOD. [Experiment]

School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0914 EIT311 - INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY AND LEARNING RESOURCES. [Experiment]

School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0914 EIT632 - FUNDAMENTAL OF INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY. [Experiment]

School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2015) 0914 EPP411 - PENGAJARAN DAN PEMBELAJARAN BAHASA MELAYU BERBANTUKAN KOMPUTER. [Experiment]

School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0917 CUI101 - USER INTERFACE DESIGN. [Experiment]

School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0917 ECE322 - TECHNOLOGY FOR YOUNG CHILDREN. [Experiment]

School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0917 EIT632 - FUNDAMENTALS OF INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY. [Experiment]

School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2017) 0917 ESC643 - SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND SOCIETY EDUCATION. [Experiment]

School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2018) 0918 ECE322 - TECHNOLOGY FOR YOUNG CHILDREN. [Experiment]

School of Education & Cognitive Science, . (2018) 0918 EIT632 - FUNDAMENTALS OF INSTRUCTIONAL. [Experiment]

School of Education & Cognitive Science, School of Education & Cognitive Science (2019) 0519 ECE123 - CURRICULUM AND TEACHING STRATEGIES IN EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION. [Experiment]

School of Education & Cognitive Science, School of Education & Cognitive Science (2019) 0519 ECE124 - OBSERVATION AND ASSESEEMENT IN THE EARLY YEARS. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2018) 0118 CAC370 - IS AUDIT AND CONTROL. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2018) 0118 CCA400 - CHARACTER ANIMATION. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2018) 0118 CCP203 - COMPUTER PROGRAMMING. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2018) 0118 CCT201 - FUNDAMENTAL CONCEPTS OF ICT. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2018) 0118 CDC200 - DIGITAL COMPOSITING. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2018) 0118 CDG400 - GAME DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2018) 0118 CDM300 - DISCRETE MATHEMATICS. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2018) 0118 CEI680 - ICT ENTREPRENEURSHIP. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2018) 0118 CIG680 - ICT GOVERNANCE. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2018) 0118 CIM600 - ICT MANAGEMENT. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2018) 0118 CKA680 - KNOWLEDGE ASSETS ASSESSMENT AND AUDIT. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2018) 0118 CLC608 - LEADERSHIP AND COMMUNICATION IN PROJECT MANAGEMENT. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2018) 0118 CMC401 - MOBILE COMPUTING FOR MULTIMEDIA. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2018) 0118 CMM404 - INTRODUCTION TO MULTIMEDIA. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2018) 0118 CRM690 - RESEARCH METHODOLOGY FOR IT. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2018) 0118 CSP606 - STRATEGIC AND ORGANIZATIONAL PLANNING FOR PROJECT MANAGEMENT. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2018) 0118 CTS609 - TELECOMMUNICATIONS, NETWORK AND INTERNET SECURITY. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2019) 0119 CAD630 - SYSTEM ANALYSIS, DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2019) 0119 CAS611 - APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT SECURITY. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2019) 0119 CCF201 - COMPUTER FORENSICS. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2019) 0119 CCL610 - CYBER LAWS. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2019) 0119 CCN413 - COMPUTER COMMUNICATION & NETWORKING. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2019) 0119 CCP203 - COMPUTER PROGRAMMING. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2019) 0119 CCP313 - OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2019) 0119 CCS200 - COMPUTER SECURITY. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2019) 0119 CCT201 - FUNDAMENTAL CONCEPTS OF ICT. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2019) 0119 CFO601 - FUNDAMENTAL OF OPEN SOURCE SOFTWARE (OPEN SOURCE COMPUTING). [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2019) 0119 CIG680 - ICT GOVERNANCE. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2019) 0119 CIM600 - ICT MANAGEMENT. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2019) 0119 CIS300 - INTERNET SECURITY. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2019) 0119 CPM650 - ICT PROJECT MANAGEMENT. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2019) 0119 CRM690 - RESEARCH METHODOLOGY FOR IT. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2019) 0119 CSC610 - CRYPTOGRAPHY. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2019) 0119 CSM660 - INFORMATION SECURITY MANAGEMENT. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2019) 0119 CSP398 - IS STRATEGIC PLANNING. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2019) 0119 CSP670 - ICT STRATEGIC PLANNING. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2019) 0119 CTS609 - TELECOMMUNICATIONS, NETWORK AND INTERNET SECURITY. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2019) 0119 CWP607 - WEB PROGRAMMING. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2019) 0119 EIT311 - INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY AND LEARNING RESOURCES. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2019) 0119 EIT632 - FUNDAMENTALS OF INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2017) 0517 CCP203 - COMPUTER PROGRAMMING. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2017) 0517 CCS200 - COMPUTER SECURITY. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2017) 0517 CDL101 - DESIGN LANGUAGE UNIFIED MODELLING LANGUAGE (UML). [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2017) 0517 CDS300 - DATABASE SYSTEM. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2017) 0517 CEI680 - ICT ENTREPRENEURSHIP. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2017) 0517 CIM600 - ICT MANAGEMENT. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2017) 0517 CIS300 - INTERNET SECURITY. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2017) 0517 CIS307 - MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2017) 0517 CKM313 - KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2017) 0517 CKO680 - KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT IN ORGANISATION. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2017) 0517 CKS680 - KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS IMPLEMENTATIONS. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2017) 0517 CLC608 - LEADERSHIP AND COMMUNICATION IN PROJECT MANAGEMENT. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2017) 0517 COS305 - OPERATING SYSTEMS. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2017) 0517 CPM650 - ICT PROJECT MANAGEMENT. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2017) 0517 CRM300 - CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2017) 0517 CRM690 - RESEARCH METHODOLOGY FOR IT. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2017) 0517 CSC610 - CRYPTOGRAPHY. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2017) 0517 CSM660 - INFORMATION SECURITY MANAGEMENT. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2017) 0517 CSP606 - STRATEGIC AND ORGANIZATIONAL PLANNING FOR PROJECT MANAGEMENT. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2017) 0517 CSP670 - ICT STRATEGIC PLANNING. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2017) 0517 CVS323 - VISUAL SCREEN & PERCEPTION. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2018) 0518 CAD300 - INFORMATION SYSTEMS ANALYSIS & DESIGN. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2018) 0518 CAS611 - APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT SECURITY. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2018) 0518 CEI680 - ICT ENTREPRENEURSHIP. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2018) 0518 CIG680 - ICT GOVERNANCE. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2018) 0518 CIM600 - ICT MANAGEMENT. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2018) 0518 CKA680 - KNOWLEDGE ASSETS ASSESSMENTS AND AUDIT. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2018) 0518 CKM313 - KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2018) 0518 COS305 - OPERATING SYSTEMS. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2018) 0518 CPM650 - ICT PROJECT MANAGEMENT. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2018) 0518 CSC610 - CRYPTOGRAPHY. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2018) 0518 CSM660 - INFORMATION SECURITY MANAGEMENT. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2018) 0518 CSP670 - ICT STRATEGIC PLANNING. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2018) 0518 CVS323 - VISUAL SCREEN AND PERCEPTION. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2017) 0917 CAS611 - APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT SECURITY. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2017) 0917 CBA300 - BASIC 3D ANIMATION. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2017) 0917 CCP203 - COMPUTER PROGRAMMING. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2017) 0917 CCP313 - OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2017) 0917 CCS200 - COMPUTER SECURITY. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2017) 0917 CCT201 - FUNDAMENTAL CONCEPTS OF ICT. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2017) 0917 CEI680 - ICT ENTREPRENEURSHIP. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2017) 0917 CIG680 - ICT GOVERNANCE. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2017) 0917 CIM600 - ICT MANAGEMENT. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2017) 0917 CIS307 - MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2017) 0917 CKA680 - KNOWLEDGE ASSETS ASSESSMENT AND AUDIT. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2017) 0917 CLC608 - LEADERSHIP AND COMMUNICATION IN PROJECT MANAGEMENT. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2017) 0917 CMA400 - MULTIMEDIA AUTHORING & SCRIPTING. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2017) 0917 CMM200 - MATERIAL METHODOLOGIES. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2017) 0917 CMM404 - INTRODUCTION TO MULTIMEDIA. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2017) 0917 CNM640 - NETWORK MANAGEMENT. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2017) 0917 CPM650 - ICT PROJECT MANAGEMENT. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2017) 0917 CRM690 - RESEARCH METHODOLOGY FOR IT. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2017) 0917 CSC610 - CRYPTOGRAPHY. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2017) 0917 CSW100 - SCRIPT WRITING. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2017) 0917 CVR400 - VIRTUAL REALITY. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2018) 0918 CCP203 - COMPUTER PROGRAMMING. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2018) 0918 CDI200 - DIGITAL IMAGING. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2018) 0918 CDL101 - DESIGN LANGUAGE; UNFIED MODELLING LANGUAGE (UML). [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2018) 0918 CDS300 - DATABASE SYSTEM. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2018) 0918 CDS320 - DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEM. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2018) 0918 CEI680 - ICT ENTREPRENUERSHIP. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2018) 0918 CFG100 - FILM GENRES STUDIES. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2018) 0918 CIG680 - ICT GOVERNANCE. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2018) 0918 CLC608 - LEADERSHIP AND COMMUNICATION IN PROJECT MANAGEMENT. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2018) 0918 CNM640 - NETWORK MANAGMENT. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2018) 0918 CPM399 - ICT PROJECT MANAGEMENT. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2018) 0918 CPM650 - ICT PROJECT MANAGEMENT. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2018) 0918 CRM690 - RESEARCH METHODOLOGY FOR IT. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2018) 0918 CSC610 - CRYTOGRAPHY. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2018) 0918 CSP606 - STRATEGIC AND ORGRANIZATIONAL PLANNING FOR PROJECT MANAGEMENT. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, . (2018) 0918 CTS609 - TELECOMMUNICATIONS, NETWORK AND INTERNET SECURITY. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, School of Information & Communication Technology (2019) 0519 CCM606 - CONTENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, School of Information & Communication Technology (2019) 0519 CCP203 - COMPUTER PROGRAMMING. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, School of Information & Communication Technology (2019) 0519 CCP313 - OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, School of Information & Communication Technology (2019) 0519 CCR400 - CHARACTER RIGGING. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, School of Information & Communication Technology (2019) 0519 CCS200 - COMPUTER SECURITY. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, School of Information & Communication Technology (2019) 0519 CCT201 - FUNDAMENTAL CONCEPTS OF ICT. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, School of Information & Communication Technology (2019) 0519 CCT313, SCT102 - CREATIVE THINKING. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, School of Information & Communication Technology (2019) 0519 CDI200 - DIGITAL IMAGING. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, School of Information & Communication Technology (2019) 0519 CDS320 - DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEM. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, School of Information & Communication Technology (2019) 0519 CDW310 - DATA WAREHOUSING. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, School of Information & Communication Technology (2019) 0519 CEC200 - E-COMMERCE. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, School of Information & Communication Technology (2019) 0519 CEI680 - ICT ENTREPRENEURSHIP. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, School of Information & Communication Technology (2019) 0519 CEL210 - COMPUTER ETHICS & LAW IN ICT. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, School of Information & Communication Technology (2019) 0519 CHC401 - HUMAN COMPUTER INTERACTION. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, School of Information & Communication Technology (2019) 0519 CIG680 - ICT GOVERNANCE. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, School of Information & Communication Technology (2019) 0519 CIM600 - ICT MANAGEMENT. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, School of Information & Communication Technology (2019) 0519 CIS307 - MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, School of Information & Communication Technology (2019) 0519 CKM313 - KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, School of Information & Communication Technology (2019) 0519 CLA608 - LINUX SYSTEM AND NETWORK ADMINISTRATION. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, School of Information & Communication Technology (2019) 0519 COP612 - OPERATIONS AND PHYSICAL SECURITY. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, School of Information & Communication Technology (2019) 0519 CPM399 - ICT PROJECT MANAGEMENT. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, School of Information & Communication Technology (2019) 0519 CPS605 - PROJECT PLANNING, SCHEDULING AND CONTROL. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, School of Information & Communication Technology (2019) 0519 CPS605 - PROJECT PLANNING, SCHEDULING AND CONTROL. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, School of Information & Communication Technology (2019) 0519 CRM690 - RESEARCH METHODOLOGY FOR IT. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, School of Information & Communication Technology (2019) 0519 CSC610 - CRYPTOGRAPHY. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, School of Information & Communication Technology (2019) 0519 CSM660 - INFORMATION SECURITY MANAGEMENT. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, School of Information & Communication Technology (2019) 0519 CSP606 - STRATEGIC AND ORGANIZATIONAL PLANNING FOR PROJECT MANAGEMENT. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, School of Information & Communication Technology (2019) 0519 CSR400 - SOFT & RIGID BODIES. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, School of Information & Communication Technology (2019) 0519 CTS609 - TELECOMMUNICATIONS, NETWORK AND INTERNET SECURITY. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, School of Information & Communication Technology 09019 CSS610 - CRYPTOGRAPHY. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, School of Information & Communication Technology 0919 CAA100- ASIAN ART HISTORY. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, School of Information & Communication Technology 0919 CAD336-ADVANCED 3D MODELING. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, School of Information & Communication Technology 0919 CAS611- APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT SECURITY. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, School of Information & Communication Technology 0919 CCL610- CYBER LAWS. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, School of Information & Communication Technology 0919 CCP203 COMPUTER PROGRAMMING. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, School of Information & Communication Technology 0919 CCS200-COMPUTER SECURITY. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, School of Information & Communication Technology 0919 CFK680 - FOUNDATION OF KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, School of Information & Communication Technology 0919 CIM600-ICT MANAGEMENT. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, School of Information & Communication Technology 0919 CIW306-THE INTERNET & WORLD WIDE WEB. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, School of Information & Communication Technology 0919 CKA680-KNOWLEDGE ASSETS, ASSESSMENTS AND AUDIT. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, School of Information & Communication Technology 0919 CLC608 - LEADERSHIP AND COMMUNICATION IN PROJECT MANAGEMENT. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, School of Information & Communication Technology 0919 COP612-OPERATIONS AND PHYSICAL SECURITY. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, School of Information & Communication Technology 0919 CPA100-PHOTOGRAPHY ARTS. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, School of Information & Communication Technology 0919 CPS605-PROJECT PLANNING,SCHEDULING AND CONTROL. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, School of Information & Communication Technology 0919 CQR607-MANAGING PROJECT QUALITY AND RISKS. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, School of Information & Communication Technology 0919 CSP606 - STRATEGIC AND ORGANIZATIONAL PLANNING FOR PROJECT MANAGEMENT. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, School of Information & Communication Technology 0919 CTS609 - TELECOMMUNICATIONS, NETWORK & INTERNET SECURITY. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, School of Information & Communication Technology 0919 CUI101 - USER INTERFACE DESIGN. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, School of Information & Communication Technology 0919 ECC412-COMPUTERS IN THE SECOND LANGUAGE CLASSROOM. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology, School of Information & Communication Technology 0919 SCC303 - CREATIVE COPYWRITING. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2013) 0113 CRM690 - RESEARCH METHODS FOR IT. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2014) 0114 CIS307 - Management Information System. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2014) 0114 CPM399 - ICT Project Management. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2014) 0114 CPM650 - ICT Project Management. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2014) 0114 CSP606 - Strategic & Organisational Planning for Project Management. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2015) 0115 CAN333 - 2D ANIMATION. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2015) 0115 CAS611 - APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT SECURITY. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2015) 0115 CCT201 - FUNDAMENTAL CONCEPT OF ICT. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2015) 0115 CDS320 - DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEM. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2015) 0115 CDW310 - DATA WAREHOUSING. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2015) 0115 CIS307 - MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2015) 0115 CMM200 - MATERIAL METHODOLOGIES. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2015) 0115 CPM650 - ICT PROJECT MANAGEMENT. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2015) 0115 CRM690 - RESEARCH METHODOLY FOR IT. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2016) 0116 CAD300 - INFORMATION SYSTEMS ANALYSIS & DESIGN. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2016) 0116 CBA300 - BASIC 3D ANIMATION. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2016) 0116 CCL610 - CYBER LAWS. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2016) 0116 CCR400 - CHARACTER RIGGING. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2016) 0116 CCS200 - COMPUTER SECURITY. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2016) 0116 CDI200 - DIGITAL IMAGING. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2016) 0116 CDS320 - DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEM. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2016) 0116 CGD400 - GAME DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2016) 0116 CIG680 - ICT GOVERNANCE. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2016) 0116 CIM600 - ICT MANAGEMENT. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2016) 0116 CIS300 - INTERNET SECURITY. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2016) 0116 CIS307 - MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2016) 0116 CIW306 - THE INTERNET AND WORLD WIDE WEB. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2016) 0116 CMC401 - MOBILE COMPUTING FOR MULTIMEDIA. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2016) 0116 CMM404 - INTRODUCTION TO MULTIMEDIA. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2016) 0116 CPM399 - ICT PROJECT MANAGEMENT. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2016) 0116 CSP670 - ICT STRATEGIC PLANNING. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2016) 0116 CTS609 - TELECOMMUNICATIONS, NETWORK AND INTERNET SECURITY. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2016) 0116 CVR400 - VIRTUAL REALITY. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2016) 0116 CWE601 - THE WEB ECONOMY. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2017) 0117 CAC370 - INFORMATION SYSTEM AUDIT & CONTROL. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2017) 0117 CAD336 - ADVANCED 3D MODELING. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2017) 0117 CCR400 - CHARACTER RIGGING. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2017) 0117 CDW310 - DATA WAREHOUSING. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2017) 0117 CGD400 - GAME DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2017) 0117 CIM600 - ICT MANAGEMENT. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2017) 0117 CIW306 - THE INTERNET AND THE WORLD WIDE WEB. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2017) 0117 CLC608 - LEADERSHIP AND COMMUNICATION IN PROJECT MANAGEMENT. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2017) 0117 CUI100 CUI101 - USER INTERFACE DESIGN. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2017) 0117 CVR400 - VIRTUAL REALITY. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2009) 0209 CPM399 - ICT Project Management. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2009) 022009 CCT201 - Fundamental Concepts of ICT. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2015) 0515 CAS351 - ACCOUNTING INFORMATION SYSTEM. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2015) 0515 CFG100 - FILM GENRES STUDIES. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2015) 0515 CMG300 - MOTION GRAPHIC DESIGN. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2015) 0515 CMG300 - MOTION GRAPHIC DESIGN. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2015) 0515 COP612 - OPERATIONS AND PHYSICAL SECURITY. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2015) 0515 CRM690 - RESEARCH METHODOLOGY FOR IT. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2015) 0515 CSP670 - ICT STRATEGIC PLANNING. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2016) 0516 CAN333 - 2D ANIMATION. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2016) 0516 CAS 611 - APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT SECURITY. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2016) 0516 CAS 611 - APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT SECURITY. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2016) 0516 CCA400 - CHARACTER ANIMATION. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2016) 0516 CEC200 - E-COMMERCE. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2016) 0516 CHC401 - HUMAN COMPUTER INTERACTION. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2016) 0516 CLC608 - LEADERSHIP AND COMMUNICATION IN PROJECT MANAGEMENT. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2016) 0516 CSP670 - ICT STRATEGIC PLANNING. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2013) 052013 CRM690 - RESEARCH METHODOLOGY FOR IT. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2009) 0609 CCT201 - Fundamental Concepts of ICT. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2015) 0914 CAC370 - INFORMATION SYSTEM AUDIT & CONTROL. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2015) 0914 CCF201 - COMPUTER FORENSIC. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2015) 0914 CCP203 - COMPUTER PROGRAMMING. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2015) 0914 CCS200 - COMPUTER SECURITY. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2015) 0914 CDM300 - DISCRETE MATHEMATICS. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2015) 0914 CDW310 - DATA WAREHOUSING. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2015) 0914 CEC200 - E-COMMERCE. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2015) 0914 CHC401 - HUMAN COMPUTER INTERACTION. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2015) 0914 CIG680 - ICT GOVERNANCE. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2015) 0914 CMA400 - MULTIMEDIA AUTHORING AND SCRIPTING. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2015) 0914 CNM640 - NETWORK MANAGEMENT. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2015) 0914 COP612 - OPERATIONS AND PHYSICAL SECURITY. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2015) 0914 CPM650 - ICT PROJECT MANAGEMENT. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2015) 0914 CPS605 - PROJECT PLANNING, SCHEDULING AND CONTROL. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2015) 0914 CRM690 - RESEARCH METHODOLOGY FOR IT. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2015) 0914 CTS609 - TELECOMMUNICATION, NETWORK AND INTERNET SECURITY. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2016) 0915 CAS611 - APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT SECURITY. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2016) 0915 CCA400 - CHARACTER ANIMATION. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2016) 0915 CCF201 - COMPUTER FORENSICS. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2016) 0915 CCL610 - CYBER LAWS. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2016) 0915 CCN413 - COMPUTER COMMUNICATION & NETWORKING. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2016) 0915 CCP203 - COMPUTER PROGRAMMING. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2016) 0915 CCS200 - COMPUTER SECURITY. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2015) 0915 CCT201 - FUNDAMENTAL CONCEPTS OF ICT. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2015) 0915 CDC200 - DIGITAL COMPOSITING. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2016) 0915 CDM300 - DISCRETE MATHEMATICS. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2016) 0915 CDS320 - DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEM. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2016) 0915 CDW310 - DATA WAREHOUSING. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2016) 0915 CEC200 - E-COMMERCE. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2016) 0915 CEI680 - ICT ENTREPRENEURSHIP. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2016) 0915 CIG680 - ICT GOVERNANCE. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2016) 0915 CIM600 - ICT MANAGEMENT. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2016) 0915 CLC608 - LEADERSHIP AND COMMUNICATION IN PROJECT MANAGEMENT. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2016) 0915 CMA400 - MULTIMEDIA AUTHORING & SCRIPTING. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2016) 0915 CNM640 - NETWORK MANAGEMENT. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2016) 0915 CPM650 - ICT PROJECT MANAGEMENT. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2016) 0915 CRM690 - RESEARCH METHDOLOGY FOR IT. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2016) 0915 CSC610 - CRYTOGRAPHY. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2016) 0915 CSP670 - ICT STRATEGIC PLANNING. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2016) 0915 CSW100 - SCRIPT WRITING. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2016) 0915 CVS323 - VISUAL SCREEN & PERCEPTION. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2016) 0916 CCF201 - COMPUTER FORENSICS. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2016) 0916 CCP203 - COMPUTER PROGRAMMING. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2016) 0916 CCS200 - COMPUTER SECURITY. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2016) 0916 CCS201 - COMPUTER SYSTEMS & BUSINESS PROCESS. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2016) 0916 CHC401 - HUMAN COMPUTER INTERACTION. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2016) 0916 CIG680 - ICT GOVERNANCE. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2016) 0916 CNM640 - NETWORK MANAGEMENT. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2016) 0916 COP612 - OPERATIONS AND PHYSICAL SECURITY. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2016) 0916 CPM650 - ICT PROJECT MANAGEMENT. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2016) 0916 CRM690 - RESEARCH METHODOLOGY FOR IT. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2016) 0916 CSW100 - SCRIPT WRITING. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2016) 0916 CTS609 - TELECOMMUNICATIONS, NETWORK AND INTERNET SECURITY. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2016) 0916 CUI100 - USER INTERFACE DESIGN. [Experiment]

School of Information & Communication Technology , . (2011) 092010 EIT632 - Fundamentals of Instructional Technology. [Experiment]

School of Management, . (2017) 0517 MIS306 - MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM. [Experiment]

School of Management, . (2018) 0518 MIM310 - INTERNET MARKETING. [Experiment]

School of Management, . (2017) 0917 MIS306 - MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM. [Experiment]

School of Management, . (2017) 0917 MIS613 - MANAGEMENT OF INFORMATION SYSTEM. [Experiment]

School of Management , . (2015) 0115 MIS613 - MANAGEMENT OF INFORMATION SYSTEM. [Experiment]

School of Management , . (2017) 0117 MIS306- MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM. [Experiment]

School of Management , . (2017) 0117 MIS613 - MANAGEMENT OF INFORMATION SYSTEM. [Experiment]

School of Management , . (2015) 0515 MIS306 - MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM. [Experiment]

School of Management , . (2015) 0515 MIS613 - MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM. [Experiment]

School of Management , . (2015) 0914 MIT307 - MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM. [Experiment]

School of Management , . (2016) 0915 MIS306 - MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM. [Experiment]

This list was generated on Sun Mar 9 10:04:01 2025 +08.