Items where Division is "School of Art" and Year is 2021
School of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences (2021) 0121 MPU3312 - COMPARATIVE ETHICS. [Experiment]
School of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences, School of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences (2021) 0121 SAB127 - ASAS BAHASA ARAB. [Performance]
School of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences, School of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences (2021) 0121 SAF120 - ASAS FIQH. [Performance]
School of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences, School of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences (2021) 0121 SAF226 - APLIKASI FIQH. [Performance]
School of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences, School of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences (2021) 0121 SAH123 - AKHLAQ. [Performance]
School of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences, School of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences (2021) 0121 SAH222 - AKHLAQ. [Performance]
School of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences, School of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences (2021) 0121 SAK119 - AQIDAH. [Performance]
School of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences, School of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences (2021) 0121 SCC423 - KURIKULUM PENDIDIKAN ISLAM. [Performance]
School of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences, School of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences (2021) 0121 SFI128 - FALSAFAH PENDIDIKAN ISLAM. [Performance]
School of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences, School of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences (2021) 0121 SHA124 - AL-HADITH. [Performance]
School of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences, School of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences (2021) 0121 SJA126 - JAWI. [Performance]
School of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences, School of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences (2021) 0121 SMI411 - KAEDAH PENGAJARAN PENDIDIKAN ISLAM. [Performance]
School of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences, School of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences (2021) 0121 SSI122 - SIRAH TARBIYYAH (ISLAMIC HISTORY). [Performance]
School of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences, School of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences (2021) 0121 STQ125 - TAFSIR AL-QURAN. [Performance]
School of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences, School of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences (2021) 0121 STQ422 - PENGAJARAN AL-QURAN. [Performance]
School of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences, School of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences (2021) 0121 SUF121 - USUL FIQH. [Performance]