Items where Division is "School of Art" and Year is 2017
School of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences, School of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences (2017) 0517 SAF120 - ASAS FIQH [BASICS OF FIQH]. [Experiment]
School of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences, School of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences (2017) 0517 SAH123 - AKHLAQ. [Experiment]
School of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences, School of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences (2017) 0517 SHA124 - AL-HADITH. [Experiment]
School of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences, School of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences (2017) 0517 SHQ328 - HAFAZAN AL-QURAN [MEMORIZATION OF QURAN]. [Experiment]
School of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences, School of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences (2017) 0517 SMI411 - TEACHING METHODS IN ISLAMIC EDUCATION [KAEDAH PENGAJARAN PENDIDIKAN ISLAM]. [Experiment]
School of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences, School of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences (2017) 0517 STQ125 - TAFSIR AL-QURAN. [Experiment]
School of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences, School of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences (2017) 0517 STQ422 - PENGAJARAN AL-QURAN [SCIENCE OF QURAN]. [Experiment]
School of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences, School of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences (2017) 0917 SMI411 - KAEDAH PENGAJARAN PENDIDIKAN ISLAM [TEACHING METHODS IN ISLAMIC EDUCATION]. [Experiment]